![]() TB 5-2410-236-15
contractor to correct the supplies, the contractor will
defects are corrected
furnish all material required to correct the defects
Contractor will provide a copy of the work order to the
Contractor Rights and Remedies
using unit which as a minimum will identify the (I) specific
The contractor shall retain the right to inspect any
defect(s), (II) corrective action, (III) all parts required, (IV)
defective supplies, wherever located, within 30 days of
labor hours used and (V) serial number of the end item
notification, for the purpose of evaluating the cause of or
This work order should be submitted to TACOM attached
the existence of the defect(s) If the contractor does not
to the warranty claim sub-mission (DA Forms 2407 or
choose to inspect the supplies within the 30 day period,
the Government will dispose of defective supplies The
d. If the Government directs the Contractor to
above described inspection right, however, does not
correct the defect the Contractor shall have the option to
relieve the contractor of his responsibility to immediately
(a) correct the defect in the field or (b) return the end
initiate the warranty corrective action when notified by the
item or parts to the Contractor's facility of choice When
Government of a warranty claim Further, such inspection
the Con-tractor corrects the defect, all costs are borne by
right does not preclude the Government from
the contractor including transportation costs from the
immediately initiating correction
using unit to the contractor's facility and back The
contractor shall have 10 working days to complete
Government responsibilities.
repairs after receipt of formal notification The contractor
will extend, at no additional costs, the terms of coverage
a. The
of this warranty for a time equal to the period beginning
responsible for administration of the Tractor warranty
with Government formal notification (DA Forms 2407 or
program is the U S Army Tank-Automotive Command,
5504) until such date the defects are repaired.
Warren, Michigan. TACOM is responsible for managing
e. When the Contractor is directed to correct
the warranty and implementing the warranty clause in the
the defect; he shall notify the Government where he has
elected to correct the defect, the field or the contractor's
b. The contractor shall be notified in writing
facility Contractor shall advise the equipment using
(DA Forms 5504 or 2407), or verbally, with confirmation
activity verbally at least 48 hours prior to correction, and
in writing (DA Forms 5504 or 2407), following discovery
the U S Army Tank-Automotive Command AMSTA-
of the defect or systemic defect in the supplies.
MSW, in writing within 5 days of formal notification with
Notification shall include as a minimum (1) equipment
the following information facility, location of facility, the
serial number, (2) operating hours or miles on
time frame in which the defect(s) will be corrected, and
equipment, (3) part number or NSN of defective part, (4)
what dealer or individual(s) will perform the work Should
circumstances surrounding defect or failure, (5) location
the Contractor fall to accomplish required warranty
of equipment, (6) unit identification code (UIC) (7) point
corrections within 10 working days after formal
of contact with telephone number At this time, the
notification, (or within such other time the parties may
contractor will further be informed whether the
otherwise agree to in writing) the Contractor agrees to
Government has elected:
extend, at no additional cost, the terms of coverage of
this warranty for a time equal to the period beginning with
(1 ) to correct the defect itself or,
Government formal notification until such date the
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