![]() TB 5-2410-236-15
Caterpillar Inc Peoria, Illinois, under Contract DAAE07-
e. Defect. Any condition or characteristic I
any supplies furnished by the contractor that not in
b. A warranty data plate will be installed on the
compliance with the requirements of the contract or that
vehicle mounted in clear view of the operator
does not otherwise function c threatens not to function as
c. Warranty coverage under this contract
starts at the time of government acceptance of the
Reimbursement. A written provision In
vehicles (signing of DD Form 250) and ex-tends for 18
warranty contract whereby the user may make the
months thereafter If a defect occurs during the 18 month
necessary repairs with or without prior approval of the
warranty period which could Impair personal safety or
contractor and the Government will be reimbursed for the
otherwise deadline the vehicle, the contractor, agrees to
repair part and/c labor costs
extend the term of the warranty for affected end items by
g. Repair. To restore an item to serviceable
a period of time equal to the time from formal notification
condition without affecting the warranty.
of claim until the time required to complete necessary
h. Repair Activity. The activity authorize to
perform repairs IAW the Maintenance A location Chart
4. Contractor Responsibilities.
In the case of defects, all
assembles, subassemblies, and parts identified in the
a. The tune period for contractor responsibility
applicable Maintenance Allocation Chart under the Depot
and action under this warranty is initiated by the initial
(D Level) or Intermediate General Support (H Level)
advisement of a defect This initial advisement can be
Maintenance Categories Also, all non Intermediate
either verbal, with confirmation in writing, or in writing
General Support/Depot parts incidental to the removal
(DA Forms 2407 or 5504)
and replacement of the defective Intermediate General
b. The Government may provide the
Support/Depot assembly, subassembly or part.
replacement parts for the defective supplies through its
WARCO. Warranty Control Office which
own supply channels and be reimbursed by the
serves as the Intermediary between the troop owning the
contractor or may direct the contractor to provide
equipment and the local dealer contractor, or
replacement parts free of charge If the government
manufacturer All warrant claims will be processed
chooses to have the contractor provide replacement
through the WARCC
parts the contractor will pay all costs to transport the
k. Warranty Period. Time during which the
parts to the repair location within 10 working days. If the
warranty is in effect
government chooses to correct the defect itself the
Warranty Start Date.
The date the
contractor shall bear the cost of any labor used The cost
warranty is put into effect The warranty start date is the
of any non GS/Depot parts and the labor needed to
same as the date of acceptance
remove and replace such parts to access the warranted
parts shall be paid by the contractor
c. When the Government has directed the
a. This bulletin applies to the Sectionalize Full
Tracked Tractor, NSN 2410-01-270-1192, Part number
5R8014 FSCM 11083 This item is manufactured by
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