![]() TB 5-2410-236-15
(2) to direct the contractor to correct
accurately as possible All forms should be processed in
the defect
accordance with directives in DA PAM 738-750 Double
c. Warranty
check to make sure any defective parts are covered by
Responsibilities All warranty claims will be processed
the warranty before taking them to a dealer or contractor
through the WARCO as outlined m DA PAM 738-750,
Function Users Manual for the Army Maintenance
Management System (TAMMS)
Identification of Failed Items
Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP).
Failed Items shall be tagged/identified to prevent
improper repair or use Documents that describe the use
The Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP) laboratory
of DA Form 2402 ex-change TAG and DA Forms 2407
recommendation to change oil and filter will apply
and 5504, Maintenance Request, shall be referenced.
However, oil and filter changes will not exceed the
Items requiring special handling, storage, or shipment
change interval (calendar, miles, or hours) established by
during the processing of claims shall be identified
the manufacturer during the warranty period. (refer to
TB 43-0210)
Alterations and
The repair activity shall retain defective supplies for thirty
modifications shall not be made unless expressly
(30) days following receipt of acknowledgment of
authorized in writing by.
warranty claim from TACOM. If instructions are not
received within the thirty (30) day period, the
U. S. Army TACOM
Government will dispose of defective parts in accordance
with the disposal regulations for the applicable part
Warren, Michigan 48397-5000
Reimbursement for Army Repair.
Contractor shall reimburse the Government by
The warranty set forth in this clause shall not apply to
submitting monies monthly to TACOM, ATTN AMSTA-
any damage or failure to perform caused by misuse or
EFD Any monies received directly by the using unit
abuse of the end items or by the Government's failure to
should be for-warded to the above address.
perform proper maintenance or service on the vehicle
Receipts/Verification Contractor Repairs.
Claims Procedure.
When supplies are submitted for contractor repair, the
The procedures for reporting warranty claims are found
repair activity shall
in DA PAM 738-750. For all levels of maintenance
a. Provide contractor with point of contact
operating under the Army Standard Maintenance System
(SAMS), Warranty Claim Actions are processed on DA
b. Obtain location, name and telephone
Forms 5504 and 5504-1 For those units not operating
number of contractor representative for any required
under SAMS, use DA Form 2407 and DA Form 2407-1 It
follow-up purposes.
very Important to fill m the blocks on the forms as
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