![]() Department of the Army Technical Bulletin
Warranty Program
NSN 2410-01-270 -1192
Model D5BS1
19 February 1988
Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC
You can help improve this Technical Bulletin If you find any mistakes, or if you
know a way to make the information more understandable, please let us know
Mall your letter DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and
Blank Forms) directly to' Commander, U S Army Tank-Automotive Command,
ATTN AMSTA-NMB, Warren, Michigan 48397-5000. A reply will be sent to you.
General. This bulletin provides implementation
a. Abuse. The improper maintenance, repair,
instructions for the warranty for the Tractor. It contains
or mishandling of warranted items that may cause the
instructions for obtaining services and/or supplies
warranty of those items to be-come void
covered under warranty This bulletin also describes
b. Acceptance.
The execution of the
methods of processing warranty claims For additional
Acceptance Block by signing of a DD Form 250 by the
warranty information on the Tractor, or any U S. Army
authorized Government representative, unless the
Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM) equipment,
vehicles are placed in storage in which case acceptance
contact your local Warranty Coordinator (WARCO) If
shall mean date of shipment from the contractor's facility
additional in-formation is needed contact TACOM
c. Alterations/Modifications. Any alteration
through the 24-hour hot line The number to call is
after production such as retrofit, conversion,
AUTOVON 786-7889, Commercial (313) 574-7889. The
remanufacture, design change, engineering change and
caller should be prepared to provide- (1) name, (2)
the like
AUTOVON and commercial telephone number(s) , (3)
d. Contractor.
Caterpillar Inc Defense
complete unit designation, (4) identification of vehicle to
Products Department 100 N E Adams St,
include serial number(s) , NSN, and Model Number, (5) a
Peona, Illinois 61629
brief description of the problem, and (6) the contract
number (see paragraph 3a).
Explanation of Terms
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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