![]() TM 9-2320-364-34-1
Do not use soap or alkalies for cleaning tank interiors.
k. Oil and Fuel Tanks. Pay special attention to all warnings and cautions when working on truck's fuel tank. Oil
tanks and fuel tanks should be flushed, using a spray gun and drycleaning solvent.
l. Battery. Exterior surfaces of the electrical system and battery should be cleaned with a weak solution of baking
soda and water. Apply solution with a bristle brush to remove corrosion. Pay special attention to all warnings and
cautions when working on batteries.
Drycleaning Solvent (P-D-680) is TOXIC and flammable. Wear protective goggles, face
shield, and gloves; use only in a well-ventilated area; avoid contact with skin, eyes, and
clothes, and do not breathe vapors. Keep away from heat or flame. Never smoke when
using solvent. The flashpoint for Type II Drycleaning Solvent is 140 degrees F (60 degrees
C) and Type III Drycleaning Solvent is 200 degrees F (93 degrees C). Failure to do so may
result in injury or death to personnel.
If personnel become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, immediately get fresh air and
medical help. If solvent contacts skin or clothes, flush with cold water. If solvent contacts
eyes, immediately flush eyes with water and get immediate medical attention.
Never use gasoline or other petroleum base products to clean or preserve hydraulic system parts.
m. Hydraulic System. When cleaning hydraulic system parts use drycleaning solvent, P-D-680. Clean and dry
parts thoroughly to make sure no residue remains. If a coating preservative is required before assembly, apply a light
film of preservative oil. If petroleum-free solvents are not available, use the same hydraulic fluid as used in the truck's
a. Cleaning. Clean all parts before inspection. Check for defects such as physical distortion, wear, cracks, and
b. Sealing Surfaces. Inspect all surfaces in contact with gaskets, packings, or seals for nicks and burrs. If any
defect is found, remove it before assembly.
c. Bearings. Inspect bearings for rusted or pitted balls, races, or separators. Inspect balls and races for
brinnelling, abrasion and serious discoloration. The following are conditions for bearing rejection:
Cuts or grooves parallel to ball or roller rotation.
Fatigue pits (not minor machine marks or scratches).
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