![]() TM 9-2320-364-20-1
You can change contrast by holding down either the UP or DOWN arrow key. Both keys cause the
contrast to move through its entire range. You must hold the key down for several seconds. After
the contrast reaches minimum, the readout will seem to disappear. This is normal. Simply keep
holding the key down and the readout will return.
To exit Contrast Adjust, press the FUNC key.
Each time the DDR is powered up, the contrast is automatically set at an average value.
Restart. When you select Restart and press ENTER, the DDR system restarts from the beginning
(Step [2]). The copyright screen will not appear. The display will read: REQUESTING ATEC DATA.
Refer to Step (2)(b) (System selection procedure) earlier in this manual.
ECU/A/N. The ATEC ECU and the calibration PROM together are identified by an 8-digit assembly
Diagnostic codes. When certain conditions occur, a diagnostic code will be set in one of two memory
locations of the ATEC ECU. Both memory locations are displayed and the code in the left position is
usually more severe to transmission operation.
TPS counts and percent (%). Throttle position sensor (TPS) monitors the position of the fuel control
lever on the engine. The resulting voltage signal is converted to digital counts by the ATEC ECU. It is
possible for the readout to range from 255 counts at idle to nearly 0 counts at open throttle. The throttle
position count is converted by the ATEC ECU to percentage of throttle applied. It is possible for the
readout to range from 0% (closed) to 100% (fully open).
Range SEL. When the truck driver operates the shift selector in the truck cab, the readout indicates the
range selected. Note that this is the range selected, not necessarily the range the transmission actually
attains. Also refer to Step (18) (Range ATT). The readouts include:
R - Reverse
F4 - 1st through 4th (Drive)
N - Neutral
F3 - 1st through 3rd (Drive)
F2 - 1st through 2nd
F5 - 1st through 5th (Drive)
F1 - 1st
Range ATT. In response to the driver's request for a particular range, the ATEC ECU issues commands
for the transmission to shift. Due to operating conditions, the range actually attained may or may not
match the range selected. Also refer to Step (17) (Range SEL). The readouts include:
R2 - Second reverse
3C - 3rd converter
R - Reverse
3L - 3rd lockup
N - Neutral
4C - 4th converter
1C - 1st converter
4L - 4th lockup
1L - 1st lockup
5C - 5th converter
2C - 2nd converter
5L - 5th lockup
2L - 2nd lockup
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