![]() 92
TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Truck Engine
Disassembly and Assembly Section
5. Install crankshaft main bearing caps with the
part numbers toward the right hand side of
the cylinder block. Ensure that crankshaft main
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
bearing caps have numbers 1 through 7. The
numbers should start at the front of the engine.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Place clean engine oil or Molylube on the bolt
component life.
threads and the washers.
Note: When the bolts for the rear main bearing cap
are tightened, slide the main bearing cap as far
Ensure that the crankshaft main bearing tabs engage
forward as possible until the cap is against the
with the grooves in the block and the crankshaft main
bolts. Hold the main bearing cap in this position
bearing cap.
and tighten the bolts.
to Guideline For Reusable Parts, SEBF8009,
"Main and Connecting Rod Bearings" or refer
to Guideline For Reusable Parts, SEBV0544,
"Engine Bearings and Crankshafts".
Note: The number six main bearing is the thrust
2. Clean the bearing surfaces in the cylinder block
for the main bearings. Apply clean engine oil on
the upper main bearing. Do not put engine oil on
the back side of the bearing surfaces. Install the
upper main bearing in the cylinder block. Ensure
that the tab on the back side of the bearing
Illustration 235
engages with the groove in the cylinder block.
6. Install bolts (2) and the washers for main
bearing caps (3). Tighten bolts (2) to a torque of
54 7 Nm (40 5 lb ft).
7. Turn bolts (2) for an additional 90 5 degrees
(1/4 turn).
Illustration 234
3. Put clean engine oil on the journals of the
crankshaft bearing. Fasten lifting straps and
a hoist to crankshaft (1). Carefully install the
crankshaft in the cylinder block.
Illustration 236
4. Clean the bearing surface of the main bearing
caps. Install the lower main bearing in the
8. Check the end play of crankshaft (1) with Tooling
crankshaft main bearing caps. Ensure that the
(A). The end play must be 0.07 mm (0.003 inch)
tab on the back side of the bearing engages
to 0.32 mm (0.013 inch).
with the groove in the main bearing cap. Apply
clean engine oil on the lower main bearing.
Do not put engine oil on the back side of the
bearing surfaces.
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