![]() 14
TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Truck Engine
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Note: Proper installation of the injector is very
important. Damage to the upper high pressure seals
can cause excessive oil leakage under the valve
cover. This may cause the engine not to start due
to a low actuation pressure. Damage to the lower
high pressure seals may allow high pressure oil to
leak into the fuel supply passage. This will result in
excessive oil consumption.
Illustration 27
(A) 149-2955 Seal Protector
Illustration 29
(X) 8T-2396 Bolts.
Illustration 28
(Y) 159-0288 Deflector.
(B) 149-2956 Seal Installer
Note: Some of these engines were built without the
159-0288 Deflector. During the installation of the
unit injectors, the deflectors should be installed. Six
The correct procedures and tooling specifications
159-0288 Deflectors and six 8T-2396 Bolts are
must always be used. Failure to follow any of the
required for each engine. These new deflectors and
procedures may result in damage, malfunction, or
bolts replace the former 6V-8653 Bolts.
possible engine failure.
Note: Install the upper seal pack first. Then install
the middle seal pack. Finally, install the bottom
O-Ring Seal.
3. Both the 149-2955 Seal Protector (A) and the
149-2956 Seal Installer (B) should be used
when you are installing the upper high pressure
Note: New seals should be installed after each
removal of the injector from the engine.
4. Lubricate the O-Ring seals and the sleeve bore
Illustration 30
of the injector sparingly with clean engine oil.
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