![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Cruise Control On/Off Switch
B. Remove P1:66 remote accelerator position
sensor from the ECM connector P1.
PTO On/Off Switch
C. Remove terminal "C" (Accelerator Pedal Position)
Cruise Control Pause Switch
from the connector for the remote accelerator
position sensor.
The switches are described in the respective circuit
D. Route new wiring from the ECM to the remote
tests in Troubleshooting.
accelerator position sensor.
All of the following Customer Programmable
E. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON position.
Parameters can affect cruise control, idle set speed,
fast idle, and PTO operation:
F. Check the duty cycle of the remote accelerator
"Low Cruise Control Speed Set Limit"
position sensor with ET while the accelerator
pedal assembly is being moved over the full
"High Cruise Control Speed Set Limit"
"Idle Vehicle Speed Limit"
Expected Result:
"Fast Idle RPM #1"
The duty cycle is between 10 and 22 percent with
the accelerator pedal assembly in the low idle
"Fast Idle RPM #2"
position, and the duty cycle is between 75 and 90
percent with the accelerator pedal assembly in the
"Cruise/Idle/PTO Switch Configuration"
high idle position.
"Idle/PTO Bump rpm"
OK The wiring from the ECM to the accelerator
"Idle/PTO rpm Ramp Rate"
position sensor appears faulty. Permanently install
"PTO Vehicle Speed Limit"
new wiring. Verify that the repair eliminates the
problem. STOP.
"Cruise Pause Switch"
Not OK Double check the wiring, the ECM
The vehicle speed calibration can also affect the
vehicle harness connector J1/P1 and the sensor
cruise control, fast idle, the idle set speed, and the
connector. If a problem still exists, restart the test
PTO if the vehicle speed calibration is incorrectly
procedure. STOP.
programmed. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Customer
Specified Parameters".
Service Brake Pedal Position
Service Brake Pedal Position (Switch 1)
(Switch 1) Circuit - Test
The switch for the Service Brake Pedal Position
(Switch 1) is normally closed when the respective
SMCS Code: 1900-081-ZS
pedal is released. Depressing the brake pedal
should open the individual circuit. This switch is
System Operation Description:
OEM supplied. The Service Brake Pedal Position
(Switch 1) is typically a pressure switch.
Use this procedure under the following situation:
This switch may not be connected to an input on the
Use this procedure to determine if the Service
ECM. The parameter "Service Brake Pedal Position
Brake Pedal Position (Switch 1) is preventing normal
Switch # 1" determines the input to the ECM. If the
operation of cruise control, fast idle, idle set speed,
parameter is programmed to J1/P1:45 a switch
or PTO operation:
must be connected to terminal 45. If the parameter
is programmed to one of the J1939 options, the
The following switch circuits can also prevent the
switch position will be transmitted to the ECM over
correct operation of the cruise control, fast idle, idle
the J1939 data link. If a problem is suspected
set speed or PTO operation:
with the J1939 data link, refer to Troubleshooting,
"Powertrain Data Link Circuit - Test".
Service Brake Pedal Position (Switch 2)
The following background information is related
Neutral switch
to this procedure:
Cruise Control Set/Resume Switch
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