![]() 370
TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
E. While the duty cycle is being monitored on the
B. Go to the "System Troubleshooting Settings"
multimeter, depress the accelerator pedal and
portion of ET and turn off the power train data
release the accelerator pedal.
Expected Result:
C. While the status of the PTO throttle position is
being monitored on ET, depress the accelerator
The duty cycle is between 10 and 22 percent with
pedal and release the accelerator pedal. Also
the accelerator pedal assembly in the low idle
depress the accelerator pedal and release the
position, and the duty cycle is between 75 and 90
accelerator pedal while the engine response is
percent with the accelerator pedal assembly in the
being monitored.
high idle position.
Expected Result:
The status of the PTO throttle position and the
OK Reinsert the wire (terminal "C") into the
engine should respond to the change in the
accelerator pedal position.
connector for the remote accelerator position
sensor. The sensor is working correctly. Proceed
Result 1 The PTO accelerator is functioning
to Test Step 7.
Not OK Leave the PWM probe connected to
Result 2 The throttle response is limited by a power
the breakout T. Insert the wire (terminal "C") into
train data link message.
the connector for the remote accelerator position
sensor. The sensor or the accelerator pedal
assembly is faulty. Proceed to Test Step 8.
Test Step 7. Check the Duty Cycle of the
Result 1 The remote accelerator position sensor
Remote Accelerator Position Sensor at
is operating correctly. Continue troubleshooting
the ECM
until the original condition is resolved. STOP.
Result 2 If the engine responds with the power
Note: Performing certain steps within this procedure
train data link in the OFF position, but not with
requires the use of a multimeter that is capable of
the power train data link in the ON position,
measuring a PWM duty cycle.
a component of the power train data link is
causing the response problem of the remote
A. Turn the ignition key switch to the OFF position.
accelerator position sensor. Send the truck to the
vehicle manufacturer in order to repair the faulty
B. Remove the wire from P1:68 (Remote Accelerator
component of the power train data link. STOP.
Position Sensor) from ECM connector P1/J1.
Test Step 6. Check the Duty Cycle of the
C. Connect the multimeter probes between the
Remote Accelerator Position Sensor at
removed wire and the ECM sensor common or
the Sensor
D. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON position.
Note: Performing certain steps within this procedure
requires the use of a multimeter that is capable of
measuring a PWM duty cycle.
cycle output of the accelerator position sensor.
While the duty cycle output of the remote
A. Turn the ignition key switch to the OFF position.
accelerator position sensor is being monitored on
the multimeter, move the accelerator assembly
B. Remove the signal wire for the remote accelerator
from the low idle position to the high idle position.
position sensor (terminal "C") from J406. This is
Record the results.
the vehicle harness side of the connector for the
accelerator position sensor.
F. Turn the ignition key switch to the OFF position.
C. Install a breakout T with 3 terminals at the
G. Insert terminal 68 into the ECM vehicle connector
connector J406/P406 for the remote accelerator
P1/J1 (70 Terminal).
position sensor.
D. Connect the multimeter probes to terminal "C"
(Accelerator Pedal Position) and terminal "B"
(Accelerator/Switch Sensor Common) of the
breakout T.
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