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TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Repair the connectors or wiring and/or replace
B. Measure the voltage at terminal "A" (+12 V) with
the connectors or wiring. Ensure that all of the
reference to terminal "B" (sensor common) at the
seals are properly in place and ensure that the
connector J406. This connector is for the remote
connectors are completely coupled.
accelerator position sensor.
Verify that the repair eliminates the problem.
Expected Result:
The measured voltage is between 11.0 VDC and
13.5 VDC.
Test Step 2. Check for Active Diagnostic
OK The voltage is OK. Proceed to Test Step 4.
A. Connect ET to the cab data link connector.
Not OK The vehicle wiring or the battery is
B. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON position.
causing the problem. Repair the wiring or the
battery. Replace the wiring or the battery. Perform
C. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on ET.
the repair that is necessary. Verify that the repair
Check and record active diagnostic codes.
has fixed the problem. STOP.
Note: When the ECM automatically calibrates new
Test Step 4. Check the Duty Cycle of
duty cycle values for the low idle throttle position
the Remote Accelerator Pedal Position
and the high idle throttle position the ECM assumes
22 percent duty cycle at low idle and 75 percent
duty cycle at high idle. As a result, you may notice
A. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON position.
that the PTO throttle position status reaches 100
percent well before the remote PTO accelerator
B. Monitor the duty cycle of the PTO throttle sensor
pedal is fully depressed. This is normal. After
on ET. Access the following display screen in
some cycling of the accelerator pedal to the high
idle position, the ECM will adjust the calibration
automatically. The ECM will adjust the calibration
automatically provided that the high idle stop
position is within the 75 to 90 percent duty cycle
range, and the low idle is in the 10 to 22 percent
duty cycle range. During normal operation, you
"Monitor Throttle Position Sensor"
may notice that more movement of the remote PTO
accelerator pedal is required for the PTO throttle
Expected Result:
position status to increase above 3 percent. You
may also observe that the status reaches the 100
The duty cycle is between 10 and 22 percent with
percent value prior to the limit of the high idle
the accelerator pedal assembly in the low idle
position. This is done in order to ensure that the
position, and the duty cycle is between 75 and 90
accelerator reaches these two critical points for
percent with the accelerator pedal assembly in the
engine operation.
high idle position.
Expected Result:
Result 1 Diagnostic Code 30-08 or 30-13 is active.
OK The remote accelerator position sensor is
operating correctly. Proceed to Test Step 5.
Result 2 There are no active diagnostic codes
that are related to the accelerator position sensor
Not OK The remote accelerator position sensor
circuit at this time, but a problem is suspected with
circuit is not operating correctly. Proceed to Test
operation of the remote PTO acelerator position
Step 6.
sensor circuit.
Test Step 5. Check the Status of the
Power Train Data Link on ET
Result 1 Proceed to Test Step 3.
A. Start the engine. While the status of the PTO
throttle position is being monitored on ET,
Result 2 Proceed to Test Step 3.
depress the remote PTO accelerator pedal and
Test Step 3. Check the Supply Voltage for
release the remote PTO accelerator pedal. The
the Remote Accelerator Position Sensor
throttle position status and the engine should
respond to the change in the accelerator pedal
A. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON position.
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