![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
The remote accelerator position sensor is used to
provide a throttle position signal to the ECM. Sensor
output is a constant frequency signal with a pulse
Repair: Temporarily connect a test ECM. Ensure
width that varies with the pedal position. This output
that the "PTO Configuration" of the test ECM
signal is referred to as either a duty cycle or a pulse
matches the "PTO Configuration" of the suspect
width modulated signal (PWM) and this output
ECM. Check the ECM operation of the PTO Switch
signal is expressed as a percentage between 3 and
ON Lamp when the test ECM is installed. If the
100 percent.
problem is resolved with the test ECM, reconnect
the suspect ECM. If the problem returns with the
The accelerator position sensor in the cab is
suspect ECM, replace the ECM.
attached directly to the accelerator pedal assembly
and the sensor requires no adjustment.
The accelerator position sensor will produce a
duty cycle of 10 to 22 percent at low idle and 75
Remote PTO Accelerator
to 90 percent when the accelerator pedal is fully
depressed. The percent of duty cycle is translated
Position Sensor Circuit - Test
in the ECM into an accelerator pedal position of 3
to 100 percent.
SMCS Code: 1913
The accelerator position sensor can be replaced
System Operation Description:
separately from the pedal assembly. An incorrectly
calibrated pedal assembly can not be adjusted.
Use this procedure under the following situation:
The entire pedal assembly must be replaced.
Use this procedure if any of the following diagnostic
If the vehicle is using the ECM dedicated PTO
codes are indicated:
functions, the accelerator position sensor will be
ignored while the engine is in PTO mode and the
30-08 Invalid PTO Throttle Signal (29)
PTO Configuration is programmed to the following
30-13 PTO Throttle Sensor Calibration (29)
Remote Throttle
Also, use this procedure if the remote accelerator
position sensor is suspected of improper operation.
The ECM is in PTO mode if the PTO On/Off Switch
is on. This can be checked through the status
Remote Accelerator Position Sensor
screen on ET.
A remote accelerator position sensor may be
The ECM will not respond to the remote accelerator
used for PTO purposes. The remote accelerator
position sensor when both of the following
position sensor should be connected to the ECM
conditions are met:
connector J1/P1:68. Before the ECM will respond to
the remote accelerator position sensor, the ECM
The PTO On/Off circuit is switched from the OFF
PTO Configuration must be programmed to Remote
position to the ON position.
Throttle, and the PTO On/Off Switch must be in the
ON position. Also, Caterpillar offers the following
The ECM reads the remote accelerator position
sensor above low idle.
The remote accelerator position sensor must be
This prevents the engine from experiencing
powered from the vehicle battery (+12 V).
unexpected acceleration or sudden acceleration
when the PTO On/Off circuit is turned on. The
Therefore, the +12 V version of the accelerator
remote accelerator position sensor must return to
position sensor must be used for the remote
low idle before the ECM will respond. The ECM must
accelerator position sensor, and the +8 V version
also see a transition from the OFF position to the ON
for the accelerator pedal position sensor in the cab.
position in the PTO On/Off Switch in order to allow
the other PTO speed control functions to operate. If
The ECM will not respond to the remote accelerator
the engine is started with the PTO On/Off Switch in
position sensor if 253-02 Check Customer or System
the ON position, the accelerator will respond. The
Parameters (56) is active under some conditions.
response will occur only if the accelerator pedal
Refer to Troubleshooting, "ECM Memory - Test" if
is first returned to the low idle position. The other
253-02 Check Customer or System Parameters (56)
speed control functions will not respond.
is active.
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