![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Repair: Perform the following diagnostic
PTO Switch Circuit - Test
Troubleshooting, "Check Engine Lamp Circuit -
SMCS Code: 1165-081-ZS
System Operation Description:
Use this procedure under the following situation:
Test Step 3. Check the State of the
Related Conditions when the Vehicle is
Use this procedure to determine that the vehicle
wiring and the ECM are functioning properly for the
features of Dedicated PTO.
A. Check the state of the following related conditions
when the vehicle is parked:
The following background information is related
to this procedure:
a. Ensure that the vehicle speed is 0 km/h
(0 mph) on Cat ET or the dash display.
b. Ensure that the engine is not in cold mode.
The input 1 is used for the circuit for the PTO on/off
switch when the PTO Configuration is programmed
Note: The Cat ET status screen will indicate if the
to "Cab Switches", "Remote Switches", or "Remote
cold mode is active.
c. Ensure that the PTO on/off switch is on.
When the PTO on/off switch is on, the ECM will be
in Dedicated PTO mode.
Expected Result:
When the ECM is in the Dedicated PTO mode the
Result 1 Vehicle speed is not indicated as 0 km/h
PTO Top Engine Limit (TEL) is activated. The engine
(0 mph).
may proceed directly to the PTO engine rpm set
speed if the parameter is programmed. If a PTO
Result 2 The Cat ET status screen indicates that
switch on lamp is connected to the output 1, the
the engine is in the cold mode.
PTO switch on lamp will turn on whenever the PTO
on/off circuit is on.
Result 3 The PTO on/off switch is not on.
If the problem is with undetermined PTO kickouts,
use the following procedure:
Result 1 Continue by testing the vehicle speed
Operate the vehicle in PTO mode.
After the kickout, review the status parameter on
Repair: Perform the following diagnostic
ET. The status parameter indicates the cause of the
procedure: Troubleshooting, "Vehicle Speed
kickout. This must be performed before the ignition
Circuit - Test"
key switch is turned off. It is important to remember
that the parameter will only indicate the last kickout
since the ECM has been powered by the ignition
key switch.
Result 2 The engine must not be in cold mode
operation while this test procedure is being
This parameter is blank when the ECM is first
performed. Allow the engine to run until the
powered up. If this parameter is blank, "No
coolant temperature exceeds 38 C (100 F).
Occurrence" or "Not Kicked Out" is indicated. This
Troubleshoot and repair any related conditions.
parameter remains blank until the ECM detects the
use of the PTO mode. Also, this parameter remains
blank until the ECM detects the disengagement of
Result 3 Continue by testing the circuit for the
PTO mode. Refer to Table 184 in order to interpret
PTO on/off switch.
the status parameter.
Repair: Perform the following diagnostic
The following kickout status parameter is available:
procedure: Troubleshooting, "PTO Switch Circuit -
PTO kickout
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