![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Test Step 3. Check the State of the
Result 4 The engine is not at low idle.
Related Conditions When the Vehicle is
Repair: Return the engine to Low Idle. Perform
the test procedure again.
A. Check the state of the following related conditions
when the vehicle is parked:
Ensure that the vehicle speed is 0 km/h
(0 mph) on ET or the dash display.
Ignition Key Switch Circuit and
Ensure that the engine is not in cold mode.
Battery Supply Circuit - Test
(The ET status screen will indicate that "Cold
Mode" is "Active" in the corner of the display
SMCS Code: 1408-081; 1553-081
System Operation Description:
Ensure that the PTO on/off switch is OFF.
Use this procedure under the following situation:
Ensure that the engine is at low idle.
This procedure tests whether proper voltage is
Expected Result:
supplied by vehicle wiring. Use this procedure
if any one of the following diagnostic codes are
Result 1 Vehicle speed is not indicated as 0 km/h
logged several times:
(0 mph).
168-02 Intermittent Battery (51)
Result 2 The ET status screen indicates that the
engine is in cold mode.
43-02 Ignition Key Switch Fault (71)
Result 3 The status of the PTO on/off switch is not
Also, use this procedure if you suspect that the
ECM is not receiving the battery supply voltage.
Result 4 The engine is not at low idle.
Note: This code can be generated by rapidly
cycling the ignition key switch. Some control
modules on the vehicle require this action in order
to prompt flash codes. If this occurs, clear the
Result 1 Vehicle speed is not indicated as
logged diagnostic codes in order to prevent future
0 km/h (0 mph).
confusion or an incorrect diagnosis.
Repair: Perform the following diagnostic
The following background information is related
procedure: Troubleshooting, "Vehicle Speed
to this procedure:
Circuit - Test"
The ECM receives electrical power (battery voltage)
through the wiring that is supplied by the vehicle
manufacturer. The ECM input at connector P1
Result 2 The ET status screen indicates that the
terminal 70 (ignition key switch) receives battery
engine is in cold mode.
voltage from the ignition key switch when the
ignition key switch is in the ON position or the
Repair: The engine must not be in "Cold Mode"
START position. When the ECM detects battery
operation while this test procedure is being
voltage at this input, the ECM will power up. When
performed. Allow the engine to run until the
battery voltage is removed from this input, the ECM
coolant temperature exceeds 20 C (68 F).
will power down.
Troubleshoot and repair any related conditions.
The cause of an intermittent power supply to
the ECM can occur on either the positive side
(unswitched +battery) or the negative side
Result 3 The status of the PTO on/off switch
(-battery). Both sides are routed from the ECM
is not "OFF".
to the battery. The two unswitched +battery
connections should be routed through a dedicated
Repair: Perform the following diagnostic
protection circuit.
procedure: Troubleshooting, "PTO Switch Circuit -
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