![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Note: Not all vehicle manufacturers, or all trucks
Start the "Cooling Fan" test and stop the "Cooling
for a manufacturer use the Caterpillar cooling fan
Fan" test. At the same time, watch the voltage
circuit. Prior to troubleshooting, determine if the
test lamp.
vehicle is using the ECM cooling fan circuit.
Note: A multimeter can not be used in place of the
Check the following items in order to determine if a
voltage test lamp when the ECM output is tested.
vehicle is using the ECM cooling fan circuit:
Expected Result:
The "Fan Control Type" parameter must be
The voltage test lamp turns on when the test is
programmed to "On/Off" or one of the variable
active. The voltage test lamp turns off when the test
speed options. The Caterpillar factory default is
is not active.
"A/C Fan On Time" is programmed between one
second and 600 seconds.
Yes The output for the ECM cooling fan relay
A wire is present in the ECM vehicle harness
is functioning properly.
connector J1/P1 (terminal 11) which is output 5
Repair: If a problem still exists, then the problem
(cooling fan solenoid). This occurs if an On/Off
is in the wiring that was installed by the OEM.
type of fan is used.
Repair the problem or send the vehicle to the
Perform the Special Test for the "On/Off Cooling
OEM dealer for repair.
Fan". Access each menu in the order that follows:
Verify that the repair eliminates the problem.
"Diagnostics", "Diagnostic Tests", and "Special
Test". Activating and then deactivating the circuit
should cause the air solenoid to click if the circuit
is working properly.
The following background information is related
Repair: Temporarily connect a test ECM. Use
to this procedure:
the special test on the electronic service tool to
check the ECM cooling fan circuit. If the problem
Cooling Fan
is resolved with the test ECM, install the suspect
The signal for the cooling fan is provided by the
ECM. If the problem returns with the suspect
ECM in order to control the cooling fan. An input
ECM, replace the ECM.
from one of the following items may cause the fan
to turn ON:
Verify that the repair eliminates the problem.
Engine coolant temperature sensor
Air inlet temperature sensor
Cooling Fan Circuit and A/C
Exhaust brake
High Pressure Switch Circuit
PTO on/off switch
- Test
OEM installed A/C high pressure switch
SMCS Code: 1359-081-ZS; 1408-081; 1802-081-ZS
Manual fan override switch
System Operation Description:
A control unit for the A/C may be connected to
the A/C high pressure switch (input 11) instead of
Use this procedure under the following situation:
a switch.
Use this procedure to determine if the cooling fan
The output for the cooling fan is intended to connect
(output 5) or the A/C high pressure switch (input
directly to the circuit for the cooling fan solenoid.
11) is operating correctly.
Program the "Fan Control Type" parameter to
"ON/OFF". The fan will be off when the ECM output
is ON (energized). When the ECM activates the fan,
the fan will remain on for a minimum of 30 seconds
except for the following conditions:
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