![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
System Response:
Perform the following diagnostic procedure: "Engine
Electronic System Response Coolant temperature
Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Test"
is set to 90 C (194 F) while the diagnostic code
is active. Cold Mode is disabled. If the ECM is
controlling the cooling fan, the fan will be ON.
Service Tool Display or Lamps Caterpillar
Electronic Technician (ET) will indicate 90 C
(194 F) and display "DIAG" next to "Engine
Coolant Temperature" on the status screen while the
0110-11 Very High Coolant
diagnostic code is active. The Check Engine Lamp
will NOT illuminate unless this diagnostic code has
Temperature (61)
been continuously active for 10 hours.
SMCS Code: 1906-038
Engine Response Occasionally, the engine may
emit white smoke on start-up because Cold Mode
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
is not active.
The engine has been running for at least 30
Perform the following diagnostic procedure: "Engine
The diagnostic codes for the coolant temperature
Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Test"
are not active.
The coolant temperature is equal to 111 C (232 F)
or above 111 C (232 F). For emergency vehicles,
the coolant temperature is equal to 116 C (241 F)
or above 116 C (241 F).
"Engine Monitoring" must be programmed to
0110-04 Coolant Temp Sensor
Short Circuit (27)
this diagnostic code can occur.
Note: This diagnostic code represents an event. This
SMCS Code: 1408-081; 1906-038
diagnostic code does not represent an electronic
system fault.
Conditions Which Generate This Code:
The coolant temperature signal voltage is below the
System Response:
acceptable range.
Electronic System Response For "Engine
Monitoring" that is programmed to "DERATE" or
System Response:
"SHUTDOWN", the ECM begins to derate the power.
The ECM also limits the vehicle speed.
Electronic System Response Coolant temperature
is set to 90 C (194 F) while the diagnostic code
If "Engine Monitoring" is programmed to
is active. Cold Mode is disabled. If the ECM is
"WARNING", the check engine lamp will flash and
controlling the cooling fan, the fan will be ON.
the warning lamp will turn ON continuously.
Service Tool Display or Lamps Caterpillar
If "Engine Monitoring" is programmed to "DERATE"
Electronic Technician (ET) will indicate 90 C
or "SHUTDOWN", the check engine lamp and the
(194 F) and display "DIAG" next to "Engine
warning lamp will flash.
Coolant Temperature" on the status screen while the
diagnostic code is active. The Check Engine Lamp
This diagnostic code requires a customer password
will NOT illuminate unless this diagnostic code has
in order to be cleared.
been continuously active for 10 hours.
Engine Response If "Engine Monitoring" is
Engine Response Occasionally, the engine may
programmed to "WARNING", there is no effect on
emit white smoke on start-up because Cold Mode
engine power.
is not active.
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