![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
"High Cruise Control Set Speed Limit"
If ET indicates "Bad Vehicle Speed", "Vehicle
Speed < Limit" or "Vehicle Speed >= Limit" go
"Idle Vehicle Speed Limit"
to Step 4.
"Idle rpm Limit"
2. If ET indicates "Switch Turned Off", the ECM has
detected an open circuit in the on/off switch
circuit. This pertains to the cruise control, the
Note: If the vehicle speed exceeds the "High Cruise
idle control or the PTO. Perform the following
Control Set Speed Limit" and the driver attempts to
tests in order:
set a cruise control speed, the cruise set speed will
be the "High Cruise Control Set Speed Limit". If the
a. Ensure that the operator has not actually
vehicle speed is below the "Low Cruise Control Set
turned off the cruise control on/off switch or
Speed Limit", the cruise control can not be set or
the PTO on/off switch.
resumed. If the engine rpm is above the idle rpm
limit and the driver attempts to set an idle engine
b. Check the ET status screen while the switch
rpm the idle engine rpm will be the idle rpm limit. If
is being used. If the problem is not apparent
the driver attempts to set an idle engine rpm and the
check the switch and the wiring.
vehicle speed exceeds the idle vehicle speed limit,
the idle will not activate. Refer to Troubleshooting,
c. If the problem is related to the cruise control
"Cruise Control Switch Circuit - Test".
or idle control refer to Troubleshooting, "Cruise
Control Switch Circuit - Test ", Troubleshooting,
On/Off switch for Cruise Control
"Service Brake Pedal Position (Switch 1)
and Idle Control
Circuit - Test", and Troubleshooting, "Clutch
Pedal Position Switch Circuit - Test".
When the PTO is set by using a dedicated PTO
on/off switch, use ET to check Customer Specified
d. If the problem is related to the PTO refer to
Parameters. Check the following parameters:
Troubleshooting, "PTO Switch Circuit - Test".
"PTO Vehicle Speed Limit"
3. If ET indicates "Brake", "Clutch" or "Neutral", the
ECM has detected an open circuit in the switch
"PTO Top Engine Limit"
circuit for the service brake, the switch circuit
for the clutch or the transmission neutral switch
If the vehicle speed exceeds the programmed "PTO
circuit. Perform the following tests in order:
VSL", the ECM will not maintain the set speed.
Typically, the operation of the PTO requires an
a. Ensure that the operator has not actually
interlock switch such as a parking brake switch.
depressed the service brake pedal or the
Ensure that all interlocks are set to allow PTO
clutch pedal. Also ensure that the operator
operation. Refer to Troubleshooting, "PTO Switch
has not actually shifted the transmission to
Circuit - Test" for additional information.
b. Check the ET status screen while the service
ET Status Screen
brake or the clutch is being used. If the
problem is not apparent check the switches.
1. Connect ET to the cab data link connector.
Check the service brake switch for the air
Check the status screen for the last item that
system. Ensure that the treadle valve is
caused the kickout for the cruise control, the idle
operating freely. A treadle valve that is not
control or the PTO control.
operating freely can cause pressure spikes.
Check the clutch switch adjustment and the
Note: ET will only provide access to the last cause
return spring.
of the kickout. If the ECM is powered down and
the ECM is powered up, the ET display will be
c. If the problem is related to the cruise control
blank. The ECM is powered down when the ignition
or idle control refer to Troubleshooting, "Cruise
key switch is turned to the OFF position. It may
Control Switch Circuit - Test ", Troubleshooting,
be necessary to take the vehicle for a test drive in
"Service Brake Pedal Position (Switch 1)
order to repeat the problem. Check the ET before
Circuit - Test", and Troubleshooting, "Clutch
the ECM is turned off by the keyswitch.
Pedal Position Switch Circuit - Test".
If ET indicates "Switch Turned Off", go to Step 2.
d. If the problem is related to the PTO refer to
Troubleshooting, "PTO Switch Circuit - Test".
If ET indicates "Brake", "Clutch" or "Neutral" go
to Step 3.
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