![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Troubleshooting without a
"PTO Top Engine Limit" with the PTO On/Off
Switch turned ON.
Diagnostic Code
"PTO Vehicle Speed Limit" with the PTO On/Off
Switch turned ON.
4. Set each parameter to the parameter's maximum
Can Not Reach Top Engine
value one at a time and determine whether the
problem is corrected.
Check Cold Mode Operation.
SMCS Code: 7569
Note: This is normal operation if the problem occurs
Probable Causes
only after start-up in cold weather.
Note: If this problem occurs under load, refer to
1. Connect the electronic service tool to the cab
Troubleshooting, "Low Power/Poor or No Response
data link connector.
to Throttle".
2. Monitor the electronic service tool in order to
The probable root causes are listed in order below:
verify that the engine has progressed from Cold
Customer Specified Parameters (normal
An active Cold Mode is indicated in the upper
corner of any status screen.
Cold Mode operation
Check the Accelerator Pedal Position
Accelerator pedal position sensor
Vehicle speed signal
1. Use the Cruise/Idle On/Off switch to put the
Fuel Supply
engine in Idle mode.
Dedicated PTO switch on or torque limit switch
2. Vary the engine rpm with the Set/Resume
always on
If both of the following conditions are met, connect
Recommended Actions
the electronic service tool and monitor the status of
the accelerator pedal position sensor.
Perform the following diagnostic procedures in
The engine is stable by using idle mode to control
the engine rpm.
Check Customer Specified Parameters
The engine is unstable by using the accelerator
1. Verify that the complaint is not normal operation
pedal position sensor.
(programmed parameter).
If the status of the accelerator pedal position sensor
2. Connect an electronic service tool to the cab
is unstable, refer to Troubleshooting, "Accelerator
data link connector.
Pedal (Throttle) Position Sensor Circuit - Test".
3. Check the following parameters:
Vehicle Speed Signal
"Vehicle Speed Limit"
Monitor the vehicle speed signal. Ensure the
accuracy of the vehicle speed signal by comparing
"Lower Gears Engine RPM Limit"
the vehicle speed signal to the actual vehicle speed.
"Intermediate Gears Engine RPM Limit"
If the vehicle speed is greater than the VSL, the
engine rpm is limited to the programmed "VSL
"Gear Down Protection Engine RPM Limit"
Protection". If a problem is discovered, refer to
Troubleshooting, "Vehicle Speed and Speedometer
"Top Engine Limit"
Circuit - Test".
"VSL Protection"
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