![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Programming Parameters
Use ET to start the Test ECM Mode. Access the
feature through the "Service" menu. ET will display
the status of the test ECM and the hours that are
remaining for the Test ECM Mode.
Programming Parameters
Test ECM Mode can only be activated if the engine
serial number has not already been programmed
SMCS Code: 1900
during normal operation of the ECM. If the engine
serial number is programmed and the ECM is not
Many programmable parameters affect the engine
in Test ECM Mode, the ECM can never be used
operation. These parameters may be changed by
as a test ECM.
using ET. The parameters are stored in the ECM.
The parameters are not stored in the personality
While the ECM is in Test ECM Mode, the ECM
module. Any parameter can be read. However,
can be programmed to meet the needs of the
passwords protect parameters from unauthorized
application. This is accomplished by copying the
original configuration of the ECM to the test ECM.
Two categories contain various parameters, System
When the Test ECM Mode is activated, an internal
Configuration Parameters and Customer Specified
timer sets a 24 hour clock. This clock will count
Parameters. System Configuration Parameters can
down only while the ECM is powered and the key
be altered only with the proper factory passwords
switch is in the ON position. After the ECM has
by using the Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET).
counted down the 24 hour period, the ECM will
exit the Test ECM Mode. The parameters, the
Customer Specified Parameters can be changed by
accumulated mileage, and the engine serial number
using ET only with the proper customer passwords.
will be set.
Refer to Troubleshooting, "Customer Passwords"
and Troubleshooting, "Factory Passwords" for
Once an ECM has been activated in the Test ECM
additional information.
Mode, the ECM will stay in the Test ECM Mode until
the timer times out. If the ECM is used as a test
ECM for more than one engine, the Test ECM Mode
Programming a New ECM
must be reactivated. Anytime prior to the Test ECM
Mode timing out,the ECM can be reset to 24 hours.
The Engine Control Module or the ECM is the
brain of the system. So when a problem occurs,
Replacing the ECM with the Use of
it is easy to assume that the ECM is responsible.
This is usually the wrong assumption. Most failures
the ECM Replacement Feature from
occur at the wiring and connectors or at a sensor
Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET)
input or sensor output. Follow the procedures in
the troubleshooting guide, and do not replace
1. Ensure that the ECM is the problem by first
an ECM on an assumption. However, when your
connecting a test ECM. This is a temporary
troubleshooting indicates that a failure has in fact
connection. Hang the test ECM on the side of the
occurred in the ECM, use the following procedure
engine. Flash program the identical Personality
to replace a faulty ECM.
Module that was used in the suspect ECM into
the test ECM. Use the ECM Replacement Feature
Note: If a replacement for the ECM is required, the
in ET to copy the parameters from the ECM that
customer parameters and the timing calibration
is suspect. Copy these parameters into the test
can be transferred from the suspect ECM to the
ECM. Ensure that the parameters in the test ECM
replacement ECM. Timing calibration will not be
are equal to the parameters in the suspect ECM.
necessary. This feature requires the Caterpillar
Electronic Technician (ET) and this feature is only
2. If the test ECM repairs the problem, reconnect
possible if the suspect ECM can communicate with
the suspect ECM. Verify that the problem returns
when the suspect ECM is reconnected.
Test ECM Mode
3. Select the ECM Replacement Feature under the
"Service/Copy Configuration" menu and load the
Test ECM Mode is a feature in the software that can
parameters from the failed ECM.
be used to help troubleshoot an engine that may
have a problem with the ECM. This feature allows a
4. Temporarily connect the new ECM by connecting
standard ECM to be used as a test ECM. Using an
both ECM connectors. Do not mount the ECM
ECM that has this capability eliminates the need to
on the engine yet.
stock a test ECM. Test ECM Mode is available with
engine software that is dated APR01 and later.
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