![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Engine Snapshot Data
"SHUTDOWN" mode begins by flashing the warning
lamp. This response is similar to the response when
the system is in "DERATE". "SHUTDOWN" mode will
Whenever most diagnostic codes occur, the ECM
eventually shut down the engine if the conditions
records the time in engine hours of the occurrence.
continue for a long enough time and the conditions
Also, the ECM records the operating parameters of
are severe enough. The engine can be restarted as
the engine for 9.6 seconds before the diagnostic
many times as needed after an Engine Monitoring
code and 3.4 seconds after the diagnostic code.
Shutdown. This allows the vehicle to be pulled off
The operating parameters of the engine that are
of the road.
recorded are similar to the operating parameters of
the engine that are displayed in the status screens
of the Electronic Technician. Not all of the status
Other ECM Functions of
screens of the Electronic Technician or parameters
are recorded. The Engine Snapshot can also be
triggered from the cruise control set/resume switch.
The ECM also provides enhanced control of the
In order to trigger the Engine Snapshot from the
engine for vehicle functions such as exhaust
cruise control set/resume switch, quickly toggle
brake control. Refer to Troubleshooting, "Customer
the switch to the Set position. Then, quickly toggle
Specified Parameters" for supplemental information
the switch to the Resume position. You can also
about the systems that can be monitored by
toggle the cruise control set/resume switch from the
the ECM in order to provide enhanced vehicle
Resume position to the Set position. The Engine
performance, fuel economy and convenience for
Snapshot can also be triggered from the Electronic
the driver.
Effect Of Diagnostic Codes on
Engine Performance
The electronic system has the ability to diagnose
problems. When a problem is detected, a diagnostic
The discussion on engine monitoring mentions that
code is generated and the check engine/diagnostic
the check engine lamp flashes when a specific
lamp may be turned on. In most cases, the code is
condition exists. When the ECM detects the engine
also stored in permanent memory or logged in the
problem, the ECM generates an active diagnostic
code. Also, the ECM logs the diagnostic code
in order to indicate the time of the problem's
When diagnostic codes occur, the diagnostic
occurrence. The ECM also logs the number of
codes are called active diagnostic codes. Active
occurrences of the problem. There are two types of
diagnostic codes indicate that a problem of some
diagnostic codes. There are fault codes and event
kind currently exists. Active diagnostic codes
should always be serviced before any other work is
performed. If a truck is brought in with an active
Diagnostic Fault Codes
code, find the code in the table of contents and
proceed to diagnose the cause.
Diagnostic fault codes are provided in order to
indicate that an electrical problem or an electronic
Diagnostic codes that are stored in memory are
problem has been detected by the ECM. In some
called logged diagnostic codes. Logged diagnostic
cases, the engine performance can be affected
codes do not necessarily indicate that something
when the condition that is causing the code exists.
needs to be repaired. The problem may have been
More frequently, the driver cannot detect any
temporary, or the problem may have been repaired
difference in the engine performance.
since the problem was logged. Logged diagnostic
codes are instead meant to be an indication of
If the check engine lamp is flashing and the driver
probable causes for intermittent problems.
indicates that a performance problem occurs, the
diagnostic code may indicate the cause of the
Diagnostic codes that identify operating conditions
problem. The problem should be corrected.
outside the normal operating range are called
events. Event codes are not typically an indication
If the driver does not indicate a problem with
of an electronic system problem.
the engine performance and a diagnostic code
is logged by the ECM, the situation indicates
Some of the diagnostic codes require passwords to
that the ECM detected an abnormal condition,
be cleared from memory. Diagnostic codes that do
but the abnormal condition did not affect engine
not require passwords to be cleared from memory
are automatically deleted after 50 hours of engine
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