![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Troubleshooting Section
The electronic control system uses the actual
conditions and the desired conditions in order to
make the decisions. The electronic control system
controls the engine during starting and operation.
Electronic Troubleshooting
System Overview
SMCS Code: 1900
System Operation
The engine uses a Hydraulic Electronic Unit Injector
fuel system. The injection pump, the fuel lines and
the nozzles that are used in mechanical engines
have been replaced with an hydraulic electronic
unit injector in each cylinder. A solenoid on each
injector controls the amount of fuel that is delivered
by the injector. An axial piston pump increases the
engine oil pressure in order to activate the injector.
An Engine Control Module (ECM) sends a signal
to the injection actuation pressure control valve in
order to control injection pressure. Another electrical
Illustration 1
signal is sent to each injector solenoid in order to
inject fuel.
The governor considers the desired conditions
and the actual conditions. The governor then takes
Electronic Controls
the action that best accommodates the desired
conditions. The desired conditions are typically
The engine's electronic system consists of the
the accelerator pedal position, the desired vehicle
Engine Control Module (ECM), the engine sensors,
speed during cruise control, or the desired engine
the injection actuation pressure control valve, and
speed during PTO control. The actual conditions
the vehicle interface. The ECM is the computer. The
are based on current operating conditions such as
personality module is the software for the computer.
coolant temperature, load conditions, etc.
The personality module contains the operating
maps. The operating maps define the following
Timing Considerations
characteristics of the engine:
Once the ECM has determined the amount of fuel
that is required, the ECM must then determine
when the injection is needed. Injection timing is
Torque curves
determined by the ECM after considering input
from the coolant temperature sensor, the sensor for
Engine speed (rpm)
the intake air temperature, and the boost pressure
Engine Governor
The electronic controls on the engine serves as
the engine governor. The electronic control system
The timing of the fuel delivery to the cylinders
The amount of fuel that is delivered to the
Injection pressure
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