![]() TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Testing and Adjusting Section
Cooling System
4. Check for air in the cooling system. Air can
enter the cooling system in different ways. The
following items are some of the most common
causes for air in the cooling system:
Cooling System - Check
Filling the cooling system incorrectly
Combustion gas leakage into the cooling
SMCS Code: 1350-535
Loose hose clamp
Above normal coolant temperatures can be caused
by many conditions. Use the following procedure
Combustion gas can get into the system through
to determine the cause of above normal coolant
the following conditions: inside cracks, damaged
cylinder head, and damaged cylinder head
gasket. A loose hose clamp can allow air into the
cooling system during the cooldown period. Air
in the cooling system causes a reduction in the
cooling capacity of the coolant.
Personal injury can result from escaping fluid un-
der pressure.
5. Check the fan drive system. A fan drive system
that is not turning at the correct speed can cause
If a pressure indication is shown on the indicator,
push the release valve in order to relieve pressure
improper air speed across the radiator core. The
before removing any hose from the radiator.
lack of proper air flow across the radiator core
can cause the coolant not to cool to the proper
temperature differential.
1. Check the coolant level in the cooling system.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
6. Check the water temperature gauge. A water
"Cooling System Coolant Level - Check". If
temperature gauge which does not work correctly
the coolant level is too low, air will get into the
will not show the correct temperature. Refer to
cooling system. Air in the cooling system will
Testing and Adjusting, "Cooling System - Test".
cause a reduction in coolant flow and bubbles in
the coolant. Air bubbles cause a reduction in the
7. Check the sending unit. In some conditions, the
cooling of engine parts.
temperature sensor in the engine sends signals
to a sending unit. The sending unit converts
2. Check the quality of the coolant. The coolant
these signals to an electrical impulse which is
should have the following properties:
used by a mounted gauge. If the sending unit
malfunctions, the gauge can show an incorrect
Color that is similar to new coolant
reading. Also if the electric wire breaks or if the
electric wire shorts out, the gauge can show an
Odor that is similar to new coolant
incorrect reading.
Free from dirt and debris
8. Check the radiator.
If the coolant does not have these properties,
a. Check the radiator for a restriction to coolant
drain the system and flush the system. Refill
flow. Check the radiator for debris, for dirt, or
the cooling system with the correct mixture of
for deposits on the inside of the radiator core.
water, antifreeze, and coolant conditioner. Refer
Debris, dirt, or deposits will restrict the flow of
to Operation and Maintenance Manual, "General
coolant through the radiator.
Coolant Information".
b. Check for debris or for damage between
3. Check the coolant mixture of antifreeze and
the fins of the radiator core. Debris between
water. The mixture should be approximately 50
the fins of the radiator core restricts air flow
percent water and 50 percent antifreeze with
through the radiator core. Refer to Testing and
3 to 6 percent coolant conditioner. Refer to
Adjusting, "Cooling System - Inspect".
Operation and Maintenance Manual, "General
Coolant Information". If the coolant mixture is
c. Check for missing radiator baffles or for
incorrect, drain the cooling system and flush the
damaged radiator baffles. Radiator baffles
cooling system. Refill the cooling system with the
prevent recirculation of air around the sides
correct mixture of water, antifreeze, and coolant
of the radiator. A missing radiator baffle
or a damaged radiator baffle raises the
temperature of the air that goes through the
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