![]() 23
TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Systems Operation Section
Unit injector hydraulic pump (1) is a fixed
ECM (15) selects the desired actuation pressure.
displacement axial piston pump. The pump is
The desired actuation pressure is based on both the
designed in order to generate adequate flow under
sensor input and the performance maps. The ECM
the conditions that are the most demanding.
sends a control current to IAP Control Valve (10)
in order to change the actual actuation pressure.
Under most operating conditions, unit injector
The IAP Control Valve reacts to the electrical
hydraulic pump (1) is producing excess flow. This
current from the ECM in order to change the actual
excess flow must be discharged to a drain in order
actuation pressure. The actual actuation pressure
to control the system's pressure. IAP Control Valve
is changed when the IAP Control Valve discharges
(10) regulates system pressure by discharging the
pump flow to the drain. The IAP Control Valve
precise amount of oil to the drain. This discharging
acts as an electrically controlled relief valve. IAP
of oil is required in order to maintain the desired
Sensor (6) monitors the actual actuation pressure
actuation pressure.
in the high pressure oil passage. The IAP Sensor
reports the actual actuation pressure to the ECM by
There are two types of actuation pressure:
sending a signal voltage to the ECM.
Desired actuation pressure
The injection actuation pressure control system
operates in a cycle. ECM (15) selects the desired
Actual actuation pressure
actuation pressure. Then, the ECM sends an
electrical current to IAP Control Valve (10) that
should produce that pressure. The IAP Control
Desired actuation pressure is the injection actuation
Valve reacts to the electrical current from the ECM
pressure that is required by the system for optimum
by changing the pressure relief setting, which
engine performance. The desired actuation
changes the actual actuation pressure. IAP Sensor
pressure is established by the performance maps
(6) monitors the actual actuation pressure and the
in ECM (15). The ECM selects the desired actuation
IAP Sensor sends a signal voltage back to the ECM.
pressure. The ECM bases the selection on the
The ECM interprets the signal voltage from the IAP
signal inputs from many sensors. Some of the
Sensor in order to calculate the actual actuation
sensors that are supplying signal inputs to the ECM
pressure. Then, the ECM compares the actual
are accelerator pedal position sensor (18), boost
actuation pressure to the desired actuation pressure
pressure sensor (16), speed/timing sensors (14),
in order to adjust the electrical current to the IAP
and coolant temperature sensor (20). The desired
Control Valve. The IAP Control Valve responds to the
actuation pressure is constantly changing due
change in electrical current by changing the actual
to changing engine speed and due to changing
actuation pressure. This process is repeated 67
engine load. The desired actuation pressure is only
times per second. This cycle of constant repetition
constant under steady state conditions (steady
is called a closed loop control system.
engine speed and load).
Most of the high pressure oil flow from unit injector
Actual actuation pressure is the actual system
hydraulic pump (1) is used in order to power unit
pressure of the actuation oil that is powering
injectors (7). Excess flow is the amount of pump
the injectors (7). IAP Control Valve (10) is
flow that is not required in order to meet the desired
constantly changing the amount of pump flow
actuation pressure. The excess flow is returned to
that is discharged to the drain. The pump flow
the drain through IAP Control Valve (10). Excess
is discharged to the drain in order to match the
flow from the IAP Control Valve flows upward
actual actuation pressure to the desired actuation
through a U-shaped tube in the pump reservoir. The
excess flow travels through a drilled passage to the
front of the pump. Drain oil flows out of the front of
Three components operate together in order to
the pump over the pump drive gear and flows down
control injection actuation pressure:
the engine front gear train to sump.
ECM (15)
IAP Control Valve (10)
IAP Sensor (6)
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