![]() TM 9-2320-303-24-1
Table 1. Blackout Light Circuits Troubleshooting Procedures.
One Or More Blackout (B/O) Marker Lights 1. Inspect light bulbs.
Not Operating.
2. Remove
If continuity is indicated, go to
defective circuit(s). Check for
step 3. If no continuity is
continuity between socket and
indicated, replace lamp(s) (WP
3. Disconnect ground (B/O) If continuity is indicated, repair
marker light(s). Check for lead(s) 421A. If no continuity is
continuity between ground indicated, repair ground lead(s).
lead(s) and ground.
None Of The Blackout (B/O) Drive Lights 1. Inspect light bulbs.
2. Disconnect B/O drive lights If +24 VDC is present, go to step
relay from connector. Check 3. If no voltage is present, repair
for +24 VDC at connector 30. lead 421V.
3. Check for +24
at If +24 VDC is present, go to step
connector 85.
4. If no voltage is present, repair
lead 420D.
4. Check for continuity between If continuity is indicated, go to
connector 86 and ground.
step 5. If no continuity is
indicated, repair ground lead.
5. Install jumper wires between
If +24 VDC is present, repair lead
connector 30 and stoplights
421P or lead 421K. If no voltage
relay, connector 85 and
is present, replace B/O drive lights
stoplights relay, and connector
relay (WP 0072 00).
86 and stoplights relay. Check
for +24 VDC at stoplights relay
contact 87.
One Or More Blackout (B/O) Drive Lights 1. Inspect light bulb(s).
Not Operating.
2. Remove lamp from defective If continuity is indicated, go to
circuit. Check for continuity step 3. If no continuity is
between socket and ground.
indicated, replace lamp (WP 0082
3. Disconnect ground (B/O) drive If continuity is indicated, repair
lights. Check for continuity lead 421P. If no continuity is
between ground lead(s) and indicated, repair ground lead(s).
4. Check for +24 VDC at If +24 VDC is present,
connector 421K at trailer troubleshoot trailer circuit(s). If
no voltage is present, repair
lead(s) 421K.
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