![]() TM 9-2320-303-24-1
Table 1. Headlight Circuits Troubleshooting Procedures.
Neither Headlight Operates When Switch Is 1. Check left and right headlight
Turned On.
15A fuses.
2. Disconnect lead 420M from If +12 VDC is present at vehicular
vehicular light switch. Check light switch, go to step 3. If no
for +12 VDC at pin M.
voltage is present at vehicular
light switch, replace vehicular
light switch (WP 0065 00).
3. Disconnect left headlight
If +12 VDC is present, replace left
power relay from connector.
and right headlight power relay
Check for +12 VDC at
(WP 0072 00). If no voltage is
connector 85.
present at connector 85, repair
lead 420M.
Left Headlight Fails To Operate When Switch 1. Inspect headlight bulb.
Is Turned On.
2. Check left headlight 15A fuse.
3. Disconnect lead 14 from left If +12 VDC is present, go to step
headlight 15A fuse. Check for 4. If no voltage is present, repair
+12 VDC at lead 14.
4. Disconnect ground lead from If +12 VDC is present, repair
left headlight. Check for +12 ground lead. If no voltage is
VDC at ground lead to left present, go to step 5.
5. Disconnect left headlight If continuity is indicated, go to
power relay from connector. step 6. If no continuity is
Check for continuity between indicated, repair ground lead.
connector 86 and ground.
6. Disconnect left headlight If +12 VDC is present, go to step
power relay from connector. 7. If no voltage is present, repair
Check for +12 VDC at lead 20.
connector 30.
7. Disconnect left low/high beam If +12 VDC is present, replace left
relay from connector. Check low/high beam relay (WP 0072
for +12 VDC at connector 30. 00). If no voltage is present, go to
step 8.
8. Check for continuity between
If continuity is present, replace
connector 87 from left
left headlight power relay (WP
headlight power relay and
0072 00). If no continuity is
connector 30 from left low/
indicated, repair lead 20L.
high beam relay.
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