![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
reducer (14). Remove four screws (8, figure 4-36),
d. Remove two cotter pins (21) and two pins (22) and
washers (9), washers (10) and nuts (11) to detach
remove link assembly. Remove two clevis (23 and 24) and
hydraulic transmission oil filter.
nut (25) from rod (26). Remove two screws (27), washers
(28) and nuts (29) and remove parking brake lever.
b. Remove cover screw assembly (25, figure 4-37),
Remove two screws (48) and washers (49) and remove
washer (26), cover (27), gasket (29) and gasket (30) from
bracket (47).
housing (32). Withdraw filter element (28). Remove plug
(31) and bracket assembly (33) as necessary.
4-311. DISASSEMBLY. See figure 4-34 and dis-
assemble the parking brake lever as follows:
c. Remove two tubes (1 and 2, figure 4-36) and
a. Remove cap (30), washer (31) and base (32).
remove three elbows (3) and one elbow (4). Remove
Remove retaining ring (37) and remove pin (35) and two
screw (13), washer (14), washer (15) and nut (16) and
remove engine oil filter.
washers (36). Remove tube (34) and remove adjusting
screw (33) from tube (34).
d. Remove screw (18), washer (19), cover (17) and
gasket (21). Remove filter element (20), spring assembly
b. Remove retaining ring (40) and pin (39) and
(22) and plug (23) from housing (24). Remove two
remove bellcrank (38) and two spacers (44) from bracket
screws (8), washers (9), washers (10) and nuts (11) and
(46). Remove pin (41), link (42), spacer (43) and bushing
remove clamp (12). Remove two screws (5) and washers
(45) from bellcrank (38).
(6) and remove bracket (7).
e. Remove oil indicator (25) and tube (26). Remove
plug (27), gasket (28), spring (29) and plunger (30).
4-313. REMOVAL. See figure 4-35 and remove the
Remove five screws (35) and remove plate (34), gasket
parking brake components as follows:
(36) and shaft (41). Remove pin (40) and rotor (39) from
shaft (41). Remove two screws (31) and washers (32) and
a. Remove the transmission propeller shaft as outlined
remove pump housing (42) and gasket (33). Remove pin
(38) and gear (37) from housing (42).
b. Remove two cotter pins (1) and pins (2) and
f. Remove plug (43) and gasket (44). Remove 20
remove two links (3) and levers (4). Remove two nuts
screws (46) and remove pan (45) and four gaskets (47, 48
(5), one washer (6), one washer (7), one spring (8) and
and 49). Remove cotter pin (51) and remove strainer
remove special bolt (9), cam shoe (10) and two springs
(50), adapter (52) and pipe (53). Remove two screws (58)
and washers (59) and remove seal plate (57). Remove
tube (55), two nuts (54) and adapters (56).
c. Remove screw (17), spring (21), screw (12) and two
nuts (13) and remove brake band assembly. Remove 28
rivets (19) and remove lining (18) from brake band (20).
4 - 3 1 7 . DISASSEMBLY. None required.
Remove screws (23) and washers (24) and remove bracket
(22) from transmission (32). Remove screws (15) and
washers (16) and remove bracket (14) from transmission
4-319. REMOVAL. See figure 4-37 and remove the
engine, hydraulic transmission, transmission and transfer
case as follows:
4-314. DISASSEMBLY. None required.
Provide proper receptacles and drain all
4-316. REMOVAL. See figures 4-36 and 4-37 and
coolant and lubricant before engine or trans-
remove the oiling components as follows:
mission removal. Verify all electrical, water
and oil connections are removed.
Provide proper receptacle and drain engine
and hydraulic transmission oil.
Provide adequate support for mechanical
transmission (50) before removing engine and
a. Remove two hoses (18 and 17, figure 3-37) and
hydraulic transmission unit.
one tube (19). Remove two unions (16), elbows (15) and
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