TM 5-2420-224-34
1. TITLE--This is the name of the task.
TASK COVERS--This lists all the tasks included in the module.
APPLICABLE CONFIGURATION--lf the task is applicable to only one of the vehicles, SEE or
HMMH (as appropriate) will be listed here.
TOOLS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT--These are the tools and equipment you will need to do
the task.
MATERIALS/PARTS--These are the supplies you will need to do the task. If parts or materials
are required, they are listed here or referenced to Appendix B.
PERSONNEL REQUIRED--PersonneI required to perform a task will be identified if the task
requires more than one.
REFERENCES--These are the other technical publications you will need to do the task.
EQUIPMENT CONDITION--This is the condition(s) the vehicle must be in before you start the
task. Other tasks that must be done first are listed by page number or by technical manual
number if another manual is required.
GENERAL SAFETY lNSTRUCTIONS--These are the safety precautions that must be observed
while you are doing the task.
10. FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE--These are the tasks listed at the end of the procedure that
must be completed to return the vehicle to an operational condition.
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