![]() screw. Remove short screw (28) and washer (32)
(87). Remove nut and guide and pull plunger and
from each brish hlder and remove two grounded
a t t a c h e d parts from lever housing.
b r u s h holders, spacer plates (31) and non-metallic
(11) Using retaining ring pliers, remove
plates (30).
retaining ring (80), retainer (79), lever spring (78).
(8) Separate plate assembly (33), insulation
retainer ring (77), bellows (76) and flat washer
plate (34), and support plate (35).
(75) from plunger (74).
(12) Remove retaining ring (80) and remove
( 1 ) Clean all metal nonelectrical parts in an
l e v e r shaft (89) and lever (90). Remove seals (88)
approved cleaning solvent and dry with compressed
and (91) from shaft.
( 1 3 ) Disassemble lever housing only if parts
( 2 ) Clean field coils thoroughly with a clean
require replacement. Remove oil seal and press out
c l o t h dampened with an approved cleaning solvent.
sleeve bearing in lever housing. R e m o v e p i p e p l u g
(85) and wick (86).
coating. Dry thoroughly with compressed air.
(14) Remove hex nut and lockwasher
s e c u r i n g connector to solenoid switch (72). Remove
w i t h compressed air and wipe with a clean cloth
f o u r assembled washer screws ( 7 3 ) securing relay
dampened in an approved cleaning solvent. Clean
t o frame and slide relay out of connector.
commutator lightly with No. 00 sandpaper and
remove all traces of dust with low-pressure com-
connector (3), hex nut (1), flat washer (4), two non-
pressed air.
metallic washers (5) and bushing (6).
( 1 6 ) Do not remove field coil assembly unless
a nd n o n - m e t a l l i c w a s h e r s w i t h a c l e a n cloth
inspection indicates coils are defective. Remove two
d a m p e n e d with an approved cleaning S o l v e n t a n d
pole shoes screws (14) from each of the six pole
dry with corn pressed air.
shoes (11). Remove field coil assembly (9), ter-
(5) Clean brushes with a dry, clean cloth only.
m i n a l screw and bushing. Unsolder terminal screw
D o not permit solvent to contact brushes.
from coil assembly.
f. lnspection and Repair.
(1) I n s p e c t h o u s i n g s a n d f r a m e s f o r c r a c k s
t w o insulators from drive end of frame.
a n d distribution. Inspect threads in tapped holes
d. Disassembly of End Bell and Brush Holder
for damage. Replace defective parts.
( 2 ) Inspect sleeve bearings for wear, gouges,
and grooves. Replace bearing if defective. Check
washers (2), flat washer (4) and insulator (38)
f o r looseness in housing or end bell. Replace worn
from terminal stud. Remove three roundhead
or defective bearings, If new bearing is loose in
screws (21), lockwashers (20), and flat washers
b o r e . replace housing or end hell.
( 3 ) Inspect wicks for tests, fraying, or wear.
mutator frame assembly (45).
(2) Remove bushing (41), seal (42) and two
(4) Inspect armature for gounds with a test
flat washers (49) from terminal stud.
l i g h t by touching one probe to armature core and
(3) Disassemble end bell assembly only if
other to commutator risers. If test light glows, the
p a r t s require replacement. Remove pipe plug (46)
a r m a t u r e is grounded and must be replaced.
and wick (47), from end frame and bearing
(5) Inspect armature for short circuits using a
growler fixture and a steel strip. Strip will vibrate
(4) If sleeve bearing (44) is worn, remove
against armature over a shorted area as the ar-
e x p a n s i o n plug (43) and press sleeve bearing from
mature is turned. Replace armature if a short
end frame.
circuit is found.
( 5 ) Remove screws (15) and lockwashers (16)
( 6 ) Turn down commutator if grooved or out
securing brush leads to brush holders. Lift each
of round. Undercut mica to a depth of 0.025 to
spring in turn and remove eight brushes (17).
0.032 inch below surface of commutator. Do not
(6) Remove, long brush holder bolt (27) and
w i d e n slots when undercutting mica.
l o c k washer (25) from each of two insulated brush
(7) Check field winding in frame for in-
holders (23). Remove two springs (24) from each
s u l a t i o n breakdown with an ohmmeter. Attach one
screw. Remove short screw (26) and lockwasher
probe of ohmmeter to frame and other to one of the
(25) from each insulated brush holder. Remove two
f i e l d winding terminals. The reading should not be
brush holders and spacer plates (22).
l e s s than one megohm. Replace defective coil.
( 7 ) Remove long brush holder screw (29) and
l o c k w a s h e r (32) from each of two grounded brush
worn teeth. Inspect clutch splines for wear and
holders (23). Remove two springs (24) from each
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