![]() other reason, the pump may seize or otherwise be
(2) Cleaning. Clean all parts with cleaning
damaged when the engine is started.
solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680). Dry parts with a lint
(3) The pump assembly consists of a small
free cloth. Clear all passages in tilt control valve of
section pump and a large section pump, utilizing a
restrictions with filtered compressed air.
common inlet, within the same pump assembly.
(3) Inspection and repair.
(4) The large section of the pump provides
(a) Inspect springs for weak or damaged
hydraulic power for the blade lift circuit, which is
condition and free movement of valves in bores.
controlled by a valve located within the hydraulic
Inspect valve seating surface and seat in bore for
tank and for the scraper circuit which is controlled
nicks, burrs, and proper contact. Examine edges of
by an external valve. The small pump section
valve land for damage and wear. Replace defective
powers the blade tilt circuit through a control valve
mounted in the tank.
b. Removal. Refer to TM 5-2410-233-20 and
17) for cuts, breaks, or deterioration. Replace all
remove the hydraulic pump from the tractor.
defective packing.
c. Disassembly.
(4) Reassembly.
(1) When disassembling the oil pump, avoid
(a) Reassemble the tilt control valve using
introducing dirt or foreign material into the pump,
figure 4-17 as a guide.
(2) Before removing the small section cover,
(b) Install sufficient shims (20) to provide a
mark both section covers with match marks so the
relief valve opening pressure of 1,975 25 psi.
covers can be installed in the same position. This
(c) Be sure pilot valve seat (23) is bottomed
will insure the proper relationship between the inlet
square against the shoulder in control valve body
and outlet ports of the pumps.
(5) and spring is in its recess in seat (23).
(3) Small pump section.
(5) Installation.
(a) Install tilt control valve in reverse of
(b) Remove O-ring seal (3), wave washer
(4), and cartridge (5).
Vanes (11, fig. 4-20) and insert vanes
(12) are free to slide out of the rotor and
Bolt (5) must be in place before installing manifold (3)
r i n g , and may be damaged if drop-
on plate (2).
4-7. Hydraulic Pump
(c) Refer to figure 4-20 and disassemble the
a. General.
cartridge. Pump rotation is counterclockwise when
(1) The double section, insert vane-type
viewed from the drive spline end, Correct pump
hydraulic pump is bolted on the engine rear power
assembly requires that the leading chamfered edge
takeoff housing and is driven by the rear power
of vanes (11), arrow (6) on ring (5) and the arrow
takeoff idler gear.
on rotor (13) all point in the direction of pump
(2) The pump must have an adequate supply
of clean oil, as it is dependent upon a continuous
flow of oil for lubrication of closely fitted parts. If
Tighten bolts (1) only after large sec-
inlet oil is not available to the pump because of low
tion cover bolts have been tightened.
oil level, clogged or leaking inlet lines, or for any
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