![]() 3-7. Cleaning
kinks, or a damaged connector. Replace a defective
Clean all parts with soap and warm water. Remove
(3) Inspect tips and protectors for wear and
oily deposits with cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-
damage. Replace a worn or defective tip or
p r o t e c t o r (TM 5-2410-233-20).
3-8. Inspection
(4) Inspect all pins for wear, fatigue and peening.
(1) Inspect ripper surfaces for cracks, breaks,
excessive wear and damage.
(2) Inspect hydraulic hoses for breaks, cracks,
Reverse removal and disassembly procedure to
reassemble and install the tripper on the tractor.
Sect ion
3-10. General
(2) Inspect bearing bore for scoring or wear.
(3) Inspect bearing surfaces for deep grooving
The power-shift winch is a single drum unit that
or scoring and refinish if necessary. Bearing sur-
mounts on the rear face of the tractor bevel gear
faces may be dressed on a piece of fine abrasive
case, and is driven by a power takeoff shaft from
paper held to a true flat surface plate. Do not dress
t h e tractor transmission. The winch clutches
enough to remove oil groove,
(forward and reverse) and the brake are
( 4 ) . Check bearing flats and bearing for
hydraulically actuated. A separate hydraulic pump
wedging in their respective covers. If bearings
supplies power for clutch and brake operation. The
wedge in the covers or new bearings are installed,
control valve is in the winch and is operated by
proceed as follows: Hold the bearings at extreme
cables which are connected to the two, lever control
ends of a discarded gear shaft from which the teeth
mounted near the operator's seat.
have been removed and dress the flats lightly
3-11. Removal
against a piece of fine abrasive paper held to a true
Refer to TM 5-2410-233-20 and remove the winch,
flat surface plate. Dress a little at a time and repeat.
winch pump, and winch controls.
Check in the cover until the bearings slide into
3-12. Winch Pump
place freely. The clearance between the flats, when
assembled in their cover, should not exceed 0.005
to prevent turning of the bearing, resulting in
drive and driven shaft, and four bearing assemblies.
lowering the pump efficiency.
The machined covers support the gear shafts and
(5) Inspect relief valve ball and seat in cover
are provided with oil seal rings. When servicing the
for grooving.
p u m p , extreme care must be taken to prevent
e. Reassembly.
foreign matter from entering the unit and causing
(1) Lubricate drive gear journal with HDO 10
damage to the machined surfaces.
oil before installing through shaft seal.
b. Disassembly.
(2) Discard all rubber seal rings.
(1) Refer to figure 3-4 and remove the eight
(3) Press a new seal assembly into the body
bolts, screws, and washers and lift cover from body.
with an arbor press, taking care that seal enters at
If cover sticks, tap lightly with rawhide mallet.
right angles to the body recess and does not damage
(2) Cover bearings may remain in either the
the body.
body or cover, but should be match marked in their
(4) Insert body bearings in their previously
respective locations for reassembly,
match-marked positions.
(3) Remove relief valve spring and ball from
(5) Insert drive gear into body bearing.
(6) Insert driven gear into body bearing at the
(4) Identify gears with match marks for
same position from which it was removed. (Do not
correct reassembly,
invert driven gear.)
(5) Remove oil seal from body assembly using
(7) Slide cover bearings on gear journals in
an arbor press and suitable dowel rod.
their previously match-marked positions.
c. Cleaning. Wash all parts in a cleaning solvent
(8) Insert seal ring in body recess.
(Fed. Spec. P-D-680) and dry with filtered com-
(9) Insert relief valve bail and spring body,
pressed air.
topping lightly to insure seating.
d. Inspection and Repair,
(10) Secure cover to body with the eight screw
(1) lnspect gears for chipping or evidence of
t o r q u e d to 28-32 foot-pounds.
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