![]() 3-3. Push Arms and Braces (fig. 3-1)
a. Removal. Refer to TM 5-2410-233-20 and
r e m o v e the push arms ancf braces from bulldozer.
b. Cleaning. Scrape, wash and clean all parts
thoroughly with soap and warm water. Remove oily
deposits with cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-
c. Inspection and Repair.
weldments, cracks, bends and damage to trunnions.
Weld broken weldments and cracks (TM 9-237).
(2) Inspect caps, bearings, and pivots for wear,
corrosion or damage.
(3) Inspect the links for cracks, distortion and
(4) Inspect brace assembly for wear, bends
a n d dam aged screw threads.
( 5 ) Replace all defective parts.
d. Installation. Refer t o T M 5 - 2 4 1 0 - 2 3 3 - 2 0 a n d
install the push arms, and braces on the bulldozer.
3-4. Scarifies (fig. 3-2)
a. Removal. Refer to TM 5-2410-233-20 and
r e m o v e the scarifier housings.
b. Cleaning. Scrape, wash and clean scarifier
housings thoroughly with soap and warm water.
Remove oily deposits with cleaning solvent (Fed.
Spec. P-D-680).
c. I n s p e c t i o n a n d R e p a i r .
(1) Inspect scarifier housing for cracks,
d i s t o r t i o n , or wear.
( 2 ) Weld minor cracks in housing (3, fig. 3-2)
according to TM 9-237.
(3) Replace a defective housing (3), shank (4),
tooth (6), or lock rod (1).
d . Installation. Refer to TM 5-2410-233-20 and
in stall the scarifier on the bulldozer.
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