![]() TM 10-3930-633-34
process to check parts. Examine teeth of all gears
(5) Check ring gear and pinion contact by
carefully for wear, pitting, chipping, nicks or
applying oiled red lead to the ring gear teeth.
scores. If gear teeth show spots where case
Rotate the pinion through one full turn of the ring
hardening is worn through, install new gear.
gear. The red lead will be squeezed away from the
Small nicks may be carefully removed with a
areas of tooth contact, leaving bare spots on the
suitable hone.
ring gear teeth which are the exact size and shape
(10) Use new gaskets for reassembly.
of the tooth contact.
c. Reassembly.
(6) The proper pattern (on drive side of
teeth) will be centered between root and top of the
(1) Press differential pinion bearings on
pinion, using an arbor press and tubular pilot
ring gear teeth and will be slightly toward the toe
which will contact the inner race of the bearing
oft he tooth; that is, closer to the inside diameter.
cmly. Install pinion into differential carrier
Adjust pinion in or out, and ring gear side-to-
side, to obtain this pattern. Adjustment will be
(2) Press differential bearings onto case
made by means of shims, installed under the
assembly. Bolt ring gear to case and tighten
differential and pinion bearing cups.
screws around ring gear flange to 82 ft/lbs.
(7) Adjust nuts over differential bearings so
(3) Place thrust washers behind side gears
that 5 - 15 in./lbs. of torque (on spring scale) is
and fit side gears into differential case. Position
required to start ring gear turning. When this
preload is obtained, install the nut lock and cotter
pinion gears in mesh with side gears, and with
thrust washers in place, press side gear pin
pin to secure the adjustment.
through pinions and case.
(8) Differential is ready for assembly to drop
( 4 ) Install differential assembly into
gearcase. R e f e r to paragraph 10-3, under
housing, with bearing cups in place on differential
case bearings. Position threaded adjuster nuts as
shown in figure 10-10 and install bearing caps.
procedures covering removal of the rear axle and
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean the spring assemly using solvent,
Federal Specification P-D-680, and a stiff wire
(2) Inspect bushings in the spring eyes for
wear or deterioration. Replace as required.
(3) Check for loose center bolt or rebound
clips and tighten as necessary.
(4) Check for broken or distorted leaves, and
replace spring assembly if any leaf is bent or
for procedures covering installation of springs
and axle.
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