![]() TM 10-3930-633-34
vacuum drops, the spring-loaded diaphragm
b. Converter Pressure. Like control pressure,
converter pressure is regulated by the converter
moves the pushrod to open the throttle valve and
pressure regulator valve spring and is adjusted to
increase the throttle pressure.
driving conditions by compensator pressure and
e. Neutral.
selector lever positions.
(1) The manual valve at N selector lever
c. Manual Valve. Line pressure is delivered to
position blocks the fluid flow to both clutches and
the manual valve through a single passage; the
both bands. With no fluid pressure in the clutches
valve is positioned in the valve body by the
or servos, the clutches and bands are released by
m a n u a l linkage, according to the mode of
spring pressure, preventing power being trans-
operation desired. Fluid is distributed from the
mitted to the transmission output shaft.
manual valve through the following passages.
(2) Neutral operation of the transmission
(1) The D passagecharged in D range only.
keeps control pressure up to its proper value,
The D passage supplies fluid to the downshift
maintains a full torque converter, lubricates the
valve, and through the 1-2 shift shuttle ball check
transmission, and maintains a flow of fluid
valve to the 1-2 shift valve. In addition, fluid is
through the cooling system.
directed to the 2-3 shift orifice and through it to
f. D, Low Gear.
the 2-3 shift valve and to the bottom of the rear
(1) The 1-2 shift occurs when governor
servo lockout valve.
pressure force on the 1-2 shift valve overcomes
shift plug pressure and spring forces. The 1-2
(2) The D-2-1 passagecharged in Drive
range, manual Second gear (2 range) and manual
valve moves inward, exhausting the fluid which
low gear (1 range). The D-2-1 passage directs
holds the transition valve closed. The transition
apply fluid to the forward clutch, applying it, and
valve opens and admits control pressure to apply
to the upper end of the transition valve, to the
the front band.
governor valve and to the compensator cut back
(2) The front clutch remains on, and the front
band applied to put the transmission in second
(3) The 2-1-R-P passagescharged in 2, 1
g. D, High Gear. The 2-3 shift occurs when
and Reverse. The 2-1-R-P passage supplies fluid
governor pressure force overcomes spring and
to the upper valley of the 1-2 shift valve, and
shift plug pressure force at the 2-3 shift valve.
passes through the 1-2 shift valve bore to the
When the shift valve opens, control pressure
adj scent ends of the 1-2 shift accumulator and
flows through it to apply the rear clutch and
lockout valves.
(4) The 1-R-P passagescharged in 1, and
release the front band. With both clutches ap-
plied, the transmission is in third gear.
Reverse. The 1-R-P passage supplies fluid to the
valley of the 2-1 scheduling valve and through the
h. Low Gear.
1-2 shift shuttle ball check valve to the 1-2 shift
(1) When the manual valve is at the 2 selector
lever position, control pressure to the 1-2 shift
valve is cut off. This condition permits control
(5) The R Passage charged in R range only.
pressure to flow through the transition valve to
The R passage supplies fluid to the left valley of
apply the front band.
the throttle valve and to the upper valley of the 2-
(2) With the front clutch and the front band
3 shift valve.
applied, the transmission operates in first gear.
d. Throttle Pressure.
i. D Range, 2-1 Kickdown. When the ac-
(1) Throttle pressure adjusts the trans-
celerator pedal is depressed through the detent,
mission operation to engine torque. Throttle
the down-shift valve opens a passage that admits
pressure is produced from control pressure by the
control pressure behind the 1-2 shift plug to
throttle valve. The throttle valve is controlled by
oppose governor pressure. If the transmission is
a spring-loaded vacuum diaphragm unit mounted
in high and road speed is below 47-69 mph, the 2-3
on the rear of the transmission case.
valve will be forced closed against governor
(2) The vacuum diaphragm is actuated by the
pressure. When the 2-3 valve closes, control
engine intake manifold vacuum working against
pressure which has been applying the rear clutch
spring pressure. When the vacuum is higher than
and releasing the front band is exhausted. The
16 inches, the diaphragm moves against spring
apply pressure that was in the front servo in third
pressure and moves the pushrod away from the
gear is now free to apply the front band. As soon
throttle valve to cut off the throttle pressure
as the front band applies, the transmission is in
regulation. As the engine throttle is advanced,
second gear.
manifold vacuum will fall below 16 inches. As the
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