![]() TM 10-3930-633-34
6-1. General
the left side of the engine, toward the front. The
distributor is gear driven from the camshaft and,
The engine is a six cylinder, in-line, overhead
in turn drives the oil pump through an in-
valve design. Engine displacement is 300 cubic
termediate drive shaft.
inches. The engine is equipped with a 12-volt
b. The crankshaft is supported by four main
electrical system, including a coil and distributor
bearings, with the thrust being controlled by
t y p e ignition system, starting system, and
flanges on the number 3 main bearing. The
battery charging system with alternator. The fuel
pistons are tin-plated aluminum alloy and have
system includes the mechanically operated fuel
two compression rings and one oil control ring.
pump and single throat, down-draft carburetor.
Description of these systems is provided under
6-5. Lubrication System
separate chapter headings in this manual.
a. The lubrication system is a positive pressure
6-2. Cylinder Head
system and is supplied by a rotor type pump
submerged in the crankcase sump. A spring
The cylinder head carries the valves, rocker
loaded relief valve in the pump limits the
arms and springs, manifold assemblies, coolant
maximum pressure of the system. Oil relieved by
outlet, and thermostat. Valve guides are integral
the valve is directed back to the intake side of the
with the head. Refer to Section IV for cylinder
head repairs.
b. All the oil discharged by the pump passes
6-3. Valves
through a full flow type filter before entering the
a. Valve Timing. Valve timing and operation
engine. The filter has an integral bypass valve
is a c c o m p l i s h e d by the camshaft, lifters,
and mounting gasket. The by-pass valve permits
pushrods, and rocker arms. The camshaft is
oil to by-pass the filter if it becomes clogged with
driven from the crankshaft by a timing chain and
impurities. thereby maintaining an emergency
sprockets, enclosed in a cover on the front of the
supply of oil to the engine at all times. An an-
engine. The camshaft is supported by four steel-
tidrain back diaphragm prevents the reverse flow
backed babbitt bearings pressed into the block.
cf oil from the upper engine parts whenever the
Camshaft thrust is controlled by a thrust washer
engine is stopped.
located between the camshaft sprocket and the
c. From the filter, the oil flows into the main oil
front camshaft journal. An integral eccentric on
gallery, which supplies oil to all the camshaft and
the camshaft operates the fuel pump.
main bearings through a drilled passage in each
b. Valve Train. The lifters are of the ex-
bearing web. The timing gears receive oil through
panding hydraulic type, where oil under pressure
a squirt hole in the block face. Oil slingers prevent
is used to expand the lifter to remove all valve
leakage by directing oil away from the crankshaft
lash from the mechanism. Pushrods are tubular,
front. and rear oil seals.
steel, with oil-cushioned sockets. Intake and
exhaust valve assemblies are of the rotating type.
lubricated through a drilled passage in each
6-4. Cylinder Block
connecting rod journal of the crankshaft. Drilled
passages in the block supply pressurized oil to the
a. The cylinders are numbered from 1 to 6
hydraulic lifters, pushrods and rocker arms. The
starting at the front of the engine. The firing
oil in the pushrod chamber drains back into the
order is 1-5-3-6-2-4. `The distributor is located on
pan through cored openings in the cylinder block.
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