![]() TM 10-3930-633-34
the adapter fitting and pressurize the cooling
5-1. General
system until bubbles are observed in the water
The cooling system is of the pressurized type
container. Discontinue pumping when bubbles
and utilizes a tube and fin type radiator. The
coolant is drawn from the bottom of the radiator
( 7 ) When the bubbles cease, read the
by the water pump, which circulates the coolant
pressure gage. The gage reading is the pressure
through the engine block. As the coolant enters
relief of the cap a n d s h o u l d b e w i t h i n
the block, it travels through cored passages to
specifications. If the pressure reading exceeds the
cool the entire length of each cylinder wall. Upon
specified limit, replace the radiator cap.
reaching the rear of the cylinder block, the coolant
(8) If bubbles continue and the pressure
is directed upward into the cylinder head where it
drops below 10 PSI, the radiator cap is not
cools the combustion chambers, valves and valve
holding pressure. Release pressure and wash cap
seats on its return to the front of the engine.
in clean water to dislodge any foreign matter from
5-2. Cooling System Test
the valves. Check the rubber sealing surface of
a. General. The cooling system test as
the cap and also the cap sealing surface in the
outlined in the following paragraph will reveal
radiator neck. Inspect the cam lock flanges on
such problems as blown gaskets, internal or
both sides of the filler neck for maximum cap
external system leakage, or pressure cap
malfunction. The type of pressure tester used
(9) Recheck the cooling system as outlined in
should be fitted with a gage, and be adaptable to
steps 6 and 7. If the cap still does not hold
a hose connection.
pressure, t h e cap is damaged and must be
b. Procedure.
replaced. Recheck system after a new cap is in-
(1) Shut off the engine. To prevent loss of
stalled to assure that the system will now hold
coolant and to avoid the danger of being burned,
place a cloth over the cap and rotate the cap
(10) If the bubbles in the water container
slowly counterclockwise to first stop and allow
c e a s e and radiator cap is within pressure
pressure to escape completely. Then turn cap
specifications, observe gage reading for ap-
again slowly counterclockwise to remove.
proximately two minutes. Pressure should not
(2) After the cooling system pressure has
drop during this time.
been released, remove the radiator cap, wet the
(11) If pressure drops, check for leaks at the
rubber sealing surface and reinstall cap tightly on
engine to heater core hoses, engine to radiator
the radiator.
hoses, by-pass hose, water valve hose (A/C
(3) Disconnect the electrical connector from
equipped), thermostat housing gasket, etc. Any
the engine temperature sending unit and remove
leaks which are found must be corrected and the
the temperature sending unit from the manifold.
system rechecked.
With the radiator cap installed, only a small
(12) If the system holds pressure, remove
amount of coolant will be lost when the sending
the radiator cap to release the pressure, then
unit is removed.
reinstall the cap.
(4) Install an adapter fitting (3/8 N. P. T.
(13) Remove the adapter from the manifold
male thread on one end, and a hose connection on
or cylinder head and reinstall the temperature
the other end to accommodate the tester hose)
sending unit. Check coolant level and replenish if
tightly into the intake manifold or cylinder head
necessary with the correct coolant solution.
in place of the sending unit.
5-3. Radiator
(5) Remove the radiator overflow hose from
a. Maintenance. Maintenance of the radiator
the retainer clips. Make sure the hose is firmly
consists of keeping the exterior of the radiator
installed on the radiator overflow tube and is in
core clean, the interior free from rust and scale,
good condition. Insert the free end of the overflow
and the radiator free from leaks. Check the
hose into a container of water.
cooling system fluid level and for leaks at each
(6) Attach the pressure pump and gage to
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