![]() TM 10-3930-633-34
bristly brush to remove any corrosive buildup on
are removed to prevent damaging races and balls.
the battery cable clamps and terminals and
When bearings have been cleaned, spin them
battery tray.
immediately in light lubricating oil to remove
i. When cleaning h y d r a u l i c s y s t e m c o r n -
b. Do not clean preformed packings or other
ponents, use petroleum-free solvents. Clean and
rubber parts in dry cleaning solvent. These parts
dry parts thoroughly to make sure that no residue
remains. If a coating of preservative is required
should be wiped clean with a clean, dry, lint-free
prior to reassembly, apply a light film of
c. Prior to disassembly of the vehicle, the
preservative oil, Military Specification MIL-O-
6083. If petroleum-free solvents are not available
e x t e r i o r parts of the equipment should be
for cleaning, use hydraulic fluid compatible with
thoroughly cleaned to remove accumulated mud,
tar, and grease. This procedure will facilitate
that used in the vehicle system.
inspection and disassembly. For cleaning exterior
Do not use gasoline or other petroleum
parts, use a vapor pressure spray rinse cleaner.
d. For cleaning the exterior of the engine,
base products to clean or preserve
frame and hoods, use Gun, Engine, Kerosene
hydraulic system components.
j. Wash painted surfaces of vehicle with a
Spray, Stock No, 7900-402730, or equivalent. Use
solution consisting of lb of soap chips, Federal
Compound, Aircraft Cleaning, Military
Specification P-S-579, to 1 gallon of water.
Specification MIL-C-25769, in a mixture con-
sisting of one part compound with four to nine
parts dry cleaning solvent, Federal Specification
P-D -680. Allow application to remain on item
races, or separator. Examine balls and races for
surface for approximately 10 minutes before
brinnelling, abrasion, and serious discoloration.
rinsing. Rinse with hot or cold water under
The following are causes for bearing rejection.
pressure. If available, use hot water under 80 to
(1) Cuts or grooves parallel to ball or roller
120 pounds pressure. An ordinary garden hose
with nozzle may be used if other equipment is not
( 2 ) Fatigue pits (as opposed to minor
available. Rinse thoroughly.
machine marks or scratches).
(3) Cracks detected during magnetic particle
Do not clean tires, lubricant seals,
rubber hoses, or electrical components
with preceding cleaning agent.
Excluding defects which may cause bearing binding
e. Electrical parts, such as coils, junction
or misalignment, nicks or gouges outside race load
blocks, switches, and wiring, incorporating in-
areas are not cause for rejection.
sulating materials should not be soaked or
b. Inspection consists of checking for defects
sprayed with cleaning solutions. Clean these
such as physical distortion, wear, cracks, and
parts with a clean, lint-free cloth moistened with
pitting, and checking dimensions of parts for
dry cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-
compliance with maximum wear limits data.
Parts subjected to heavy load or pressure shall be
f. Oil and fuel tanks and similar reservoirs
inspected more thoroughly by performing surface
should be flushed, using a spray gun and dry
t e m p e r , magnetic particle, or fluorescent
cleaning solvent.
penetrant procedures where necessary. Clean all
parts before inspection.
Do not use soap or alkalies for cleaning
c. When removing drain plugs from trans-
tank interiors.
mission, engine, or hydraulic system com -
g. The cooling system radiator core should be
ponents, inspect the sediment adhering to the
cleaned with steam or hot water. If sediment
plug. Accumulations of grit and/or fine metal
within the core cannot be completely removed by
particles may indicate actual or potential com-
this method, the core may be boiled in a solution
ponent failure. A few fine particles are normal.
of sodium carbonate and water. Use a solution of
T h i s inspection is effective in determining
o n e pound o f s o d i u m carbonate, Federal
defective parts prior to internal inspection of the
Specification O-S-571, to each gallon of water.
component, and to predict degradation of the
Flush with clean, hot water, or steam.
h. The electrical system battery exterior
surfaces should be cleaned with a weak solution of
the following conditions: -
baking soda and water. Apply the solution with a
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