![]() TM 10-3930-633-12
4-49. Fuel Pump
performed with the fuel pump installed on the
engine and the engine at normal operating
The fuel pump is mounted on the lower left center
temperature at idle speed.
of the engine cylinder block. The pump is of the
mechanical diaphragm type, and is operated by
Before the tests, make sure the replaceable fuel
the rocker arm `which rides on an eccentric of the
filter has been changed within the recommended
maintenance interval. When in doubt, install a
The fuel pump incorporates a replaceable filter
new filter. Refer to paragraph 4-47.
element which filters suspended particles out of
b. Pressure Test.
the fuel before it reaches the fuel pump. This filter
(1) Remove the air cleaner assembly.
element is replaced every 500 operating hours.
Disconnect the fuel inlet line or the fuel filter at
t h e carburetor. USE CARE TO PREVENT
4-50. Fuel Pump Tests
a. General. To determine that the fuel pump is
(2) Connect a pressure gage, a restrictor and
in satisfactory operating condition, tests for both
a flexible hose between the fuel filter and the
fuel pump pressure and fuel pump capacity
carburetor, as shown in figure 4-25.
(volume) should be performed. The tests are
(3) Position the flexible hose and the
specifications, and the fuel lines and filter are in
restrictor so the fuel can be discharged into a
satisfactory condition, the pump is defective and
suitable, graduated container.
should be replaced.
(4) Before taking a pressure reading, operate
(7) If the pump pressure is within
the engine at 500 RPM and vent the system into
specifications, perform the tests for fuel capacity
the container by opening the hose restrictor
c. Capacity ( volume) Test. With the fuel pump
(5) Close the hose restrictor, allow the
pressure within specifications, test the capacity
pressure to stabilize, and note the reading, which
(volume) as follows:
must fall between 4.0 and 6.0 PSI.
(1) Operate the engine at 500 RPM.
(6) If the pump pressure is not within
(2) Open the hose restrictor and expel the
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