![]() TM 10-3930-633-12
a. The operator should be qualified and drive in
on when oil temperature reaches 250F. (121C).
accordance with safety rules.
b. If the vehicle does not operate properly,
EXCEED 250F. (121C). If temperature
report to proper authority. A minor adjustment
reaches 250F. (121C), stop vehicle, shift to
now may save a major repair later.
neutral range and run engine at a fast idle until oil
c. Avoid sudden stops or starts. When backing
temperature drops back to a normal level.
up, check for obstructions or personnel in the
2-7. Stopping the Tractor
path of the vehicle before moving.
a. Remove foot from accelerator pedal.
d. Drive carefully at all times. Exercise caution
b. Apply gradual foot pressure to the brake
at cross aisles, sounding horn for safety.
pedal to bring the vehicle to a smooth, safe stop.
e. Do not allow riders.
Avoid sudden application of full braking effort
f. Operate the vehicle at a safe distance behind
except in cases of emergency.
other vehicles.
c. Shift to neutral range and apply parking
g. Do not operate vehicle with wet or greasy
d. Turn ignition switch to OFF to shut down
h. Observe highway traffic laws in the
operation of the vehicle.
i. Drive carefully on wet or slippery floors.
If the engine has been operating at, or
j. Keep feet within perimeter of floor board.
near, full load, it should be allowed to run
k. Observe the Operating Instructions and
at fast idle (600 to 800 RPM) for several
Preventive Maintenance Instructions given in
minutes after the load is removed before
this manual.
being stopped. This allows internal
1. Avoid overloading the vehicle this is a
engine temperatures to equalize.
hazardous practice, for the operator as well as the
equipment. Overloading shortens the life of the
The operation of powered equipment is subject to
vehicle and increases maintenance costs.
certain limitations that cannot be overcome by
purely mechanical means. The exercise of in-
1,000 pounds of drawbar pull will tow a 10,000
telligence, caution, and common sense by the
pound load on a 4-wheel trailer, including the
operator is essential in order to minimize the
weight of the trailer.
hazards of overloading, slippery travel surfaces,
m. Be sure the brakes are in proper working
obstructions in the path of travel, or the use of
condition. Be sure all mechanical and electrical
equipment in operations for which it is neither
components are in good working order prior to
designed nor intended. Following are a few
each shift of operation.
suggestions that should be followed in the safe
operation of this vehicle.
foreign matter which might affect circulation of
2-9. General
The following paragraphs present special
( 4 ) F l u s h a n d c l e a n c o o l i n g system
procedures to be observed when operating the
tractor in unusual extremes of temperature or
b. Battery. Check electrolyte level frequently
environmental conditions. These procedures are
and maintain at proper levels.
in addition to all normal precautions and service
c. Lubrication. Make certain that tractor is
serviced according t o instructions of the
Lubrication Order LO 10-3930-633-12.
a. Cooling System.
d. Fuel System. Fill fuel tank at the end of
(1) Make sure fan belts are properly ad-
each period of operation to expel trapped water
vapor and prevent condensation.
(2) Check coolant level frequently, and be
sure radiator cap is secure.
a. Shelter. The truck should be sheltered in a
(3) Keep exterior of radiator clean and free of
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