2-1. General
caps. Remove barrier material and preservative
from battery terminals. Connect battery cables to
When a new or used tractor is received by a using
battery t e r m i n a l s . Pour electrolyte (separately
organization, it must be serviced as described in
p a c k a g e d ) i n t o b a t t e r y c e l l s u n t i l p l a t e s are
Warning: Do not allow electrolyte to come
2-2. Responsibilities
in contact with skin. Avoid breathing fumes. If
Services upon receipt of a tractor are the respon-
electrolyte comes in contact with skin, wash
sibility of the using organization. These services
immediately with large quantity of water. If
must be performed by organizational maintenance
electrolyte splashes in eyes, wash immediately
personnel. The operator may assist in these services
with large quantity of water and obtain im-
if so directed by the commanding officer
mediate medical assistance.
h. Servicing Torque C o n v e r t e r a n d T r a n s -
Drain preservative oil from torque
a. Removal of Tape. Remove all tape used to seal
c o n v e r t e r and automatic transmission. Refill to
e n g i n e breathers and dipstick, fuel tank vent,
operating level with fluid specified in lubrication
torque converter breather, engine intake and air
i. Servicing Drop Gear Case and Differential.
b. Removal of Preservatives. R e m o v e p r e s e r -
Check level of lubricant. If low, add lubricant as
vative compound from all unpainted metal sur-
specified in lubrication order.
faces, including propeller shaft universal joints,
j. Servicing Hydraulic Brake System. C h e c k
with SD (solvent, dry-cleaning). Since this com-
l e v e l of fluid. If low, add fluid as specified in
pound is not a lubricant, use care to insure that it is
l u b r i c a t i o n order. Remove blocking from brake
removed from all wearing surfaces.
pedal. Adjust brakes as described in paragraph 4-
c. Servicing Cooling System. Check level of
c o o l a n t . If low, add a premixed solution of 50
k . Servicing Hand (Parking) Brake. A d j u s t
percent antifreeze c o n f o r m i n g t o F e d e r a l
parking brake as described in paragraph 4-55.
Specification O-A-548 and 50 percent water.
l. Servicing Tires. Check pressure in each tire.
d. Servicing Engine Crankcase. Drain preser-
I n c r e a s e or reduce pressure to meet inflation
vative oil from crankcase and refill to operating
requirements (45 psi front and rear).
level with oil specified in lubrication order.
e. Adjusting Engine Fan Belt. Adjust engine fan
belt for inch deflection.
a. Seat Cushion. Unpack seat cushion and install
f. Servicing Fuel Tank. Open fuel tank shutoff
it in the seat frame.
valve located underneath fuel tank. Fill tank with
b. Fire Extinguisher. Install fire extinguisher and
bracket below and to the left of the operator's seat.
g. Servicing Battery. Remove seals from filler
S e c t i o n I I . M O V E M E N T TO A NEW WORKSITE
2-5. Dismantling for Movement
b. If the tractor is to be moved to a distant
worksite, proceed as follows:
a. If the new worksite is near, the tractor may be
(1) Load the tractor onto a truck, trailer, or
driven to the new location provided that the ground
other carrier.
or pavement is within the performance limits for
Note. Two lifting holes (for insertion of cable hooks)
the tractor. No dismantling or special preparation
are provided at the front and rear of the tractor. When using
is required under these conditions. If the surface
cables and hooks, be sure to provide packing or blocking
o v e r which the tractor must be driven is not
between cables and surfaces of the tractor to prevent damage to
suitable, load the tractor onto a truck, trailer, or
t h e painted surfaces.
other carrier.
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