![]() TM 9-2320-364-34-1
(1) Inspect servo unit control valve
assembly for cracks or damage.
(a) If servo unit control valve
assembly is cracked or damaged,
replace transmission (Para 3-4).
(b) If servo unit control valve
assembly is not cracked or
damaged, go to Step (2) below.
(2) Inspect front plate assembly for cracks
or damage.
(a) If front plate assembly is cracked
or damaged, replace transmission
(Para 3-4).
(b) If front plate assembly is not
cracked or damaged, go to Step
(3) below.
(3) Inspect first clutch trimmer assembly
for cracks or damage.
(a) If first clutch trimmer assembly is
cracked or damaged, replace
transmission (Para 3-4).
(b) If first clutch trimmer assembly is
not cracked or damaged, go to
Step (4) below.
(4) Inspect shift valve body for cracks or
(a) If shift valve body is cracked or
damaged, replace transmission
(Para 3-4).
(b) If shift valve body assembly is not
cracked or damaged, go to
Step (5) below.
(5) Check screws of all valve assemblies
for proper torque.
(a) Tighten all screws attaching valve
assemblies 96 to 144 lb-in
(10.8 to 16.3 N.m), perform
Steps (6) and (7) below and go to
Step 4 of this Fault.
(b) If screws of valve assemblies are
OK, replace transmission
(Para 3-4).
(6) Install transmission internal oil filter
(Para 7-4).
(7) Add transmission oil as necessary
(TM 9-2320-364-20).
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