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TM 9-2320-356-BD
Section II.
This section provides an overall damage assessment procedure to evaluate the
mobility and communication functions of individual vehicles.
The assessment
of vehicle capability
refer you to:
( 1 ) p r o c e d u r es
(2) the vehicle
(3) a higher ma”
procedures are designed to ensure that all necessary aspects
are evaluated during the assessment process.
The procedures
n this manual if a quick-fix is possible,
TM when BDAR is not possible, or
ntenance level if access to devices or materials to do the
quick-fix are available only at those levels.
c. Each procedure:
(1) contains general information about the problem,
(2) lists materials and/or tools required other than those commonly available
to the crew, MT, and MST (If the listed items are not available, anything that will
do the job is acceptable.),
(3) lists the estimated number of soldiers needed and the estimated time
required to complete the repair,
(4) states the operational 1 imitations caused by the repair action before
experiencing further damage/degradation to the vehicle, and
(5) provides other expedient options that can be used, depending on the
availability of personnel, materials, tools, and/or time. (This does not include
standard maintenance procedures or recovery.)
Following each assessment procedure is an index of the procedures contained
in that chapter.
If you know exactly what your problem is, you can use the index
to find the proper expedient repair procedure.
Additional data is contained in the appendixes.
(1) Appendix B lists special or fabricated tools used in performing BDAR
(2) Appendix C lists alternate sources of supply to include foreign ownership
of US combat vehicles and expendable supplies which are recommended for use to
implement various BDAR repairs.
(3) Appendix D lists substitutes for the petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL).