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TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
The "PTO Engine RPM Set Speed B" parameter
The "PTO Engine RPM Set Speed A" parameter
requires an engine rpm to be programmed.
requires an engine rpm to be programmed. The
The "PTO Engine RPM Set Speed B" parameter
"PTO Engine RPM Set Speed A" parameter is
is located in the "Dedicated PTO Parameter
located in the "Dedicated PTO Parameter Group".
Group". The "PTO Engine RPM Set Speed Input
The "Input # 7" parameter is located in the "Input
B" parameter is located in the "Input Selections
Selections Parameter Group". The engine will ramp
Parameter Group". The function of the switch for the
up to the engine rpm that is programmed under
"PTO Engine RPM Set Speed Input B" is similar to
the following conditions:
the function of the switch for the "PTO Engine RPM
The switch for the PTO Engine RPM Set Speed
Set Speed Input A". The engine will operate at Set
Speed "A" when both of the switches are on. If the
Input A Switch is in the ON position and the PTO
"PTO Engine RPM Set Speed Input B" parameter is
on/off switch is then turned on.
programmed to "None" (default), this feature is not
The switch for the PTO Engine RPM Set Speed
Input A Switch is turned to the ON position when
OCT01 Software
the PTO on/off switch is on.
The parameter "Input # 19" is no longer used. "PTO
The PTO on/off switch or the switch for the PTO
Engine RPM Set Speed Input B" is the parameter
Engine RPM Set Speed Input A must be cycled
that is used to configure a PTO Engine RPM Set
from the OFF position to the ON position in order to
Speed Input B switch. This parameter can be
return to the programmed engine rpm if the PTO
programmed to "J1/P1:7", "J1/P1:23", or "None".
operation is disabled.
The "PTO Configuration" parameter must be
programmed to "Cab Switches", "Remote Switches"
OCT01 Software
or "Remote Throttle" and the "PTO Engine RPM
Speed B" parameter must be programmed to a
The parameter "Input # 7" is no longer used. "PTO
valid speed.
Engine RPM Set Speed Input A" is the parameter
that is used to configure a PTO Engine RPM Set
Note: The wiring for your particular application may
Speed Input A switch. This parameter can be
be slightly different. The circuits for the sensor
programmed to "J1/P1:46", or "None". The "PTO
common are used interchangeably by the OEM
Configuration" parameter must be programmed to
of the vehicle. The following circuits are common
"Cab Switches", "Remote Switches" or "Remote
within the ECM:
Throttle" and the "PTO Engine RPM Speed A"
parameter must be programmed to a valid speed.
The "Input Sensor Common 1" is terminal 18.
Input 19 (PTO Engine RPM Set Speed Input B
The "Input Sensor Common 2" is terminal 3.
The "AP Sensor/Switch Sensor Common" is
JUL99 and Newer Personality Modules.
terminal 5.
"Input # 19" can be programmed to "PTO Engine
RPM Set Speed Input B" or to "None". If the "Input #
19" parameter is programmed to "PTO Engine RPM
Set Speed Input B", the switch is used to control
engine speed during PTO operation. The "PTO
Configuration" parameter must be programmed to
"Cab Switches", "Remote Switches" or "Remote
Throttle" and the "PTO Engine RPM Speed B"
parameter must be programmed to a valid speed.
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