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TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Illustration 120
ECM Breakout T-connector
Battery Voltage is out of range Proceed to Test
C. Measure the voltage from vehicle harness
connector P1 terminal 53 (unswitched +battery)
Step 4.
and terminal 67 (-battery).
Intermittent Or No Voltage Proceed to Test Step
Refer to Illustration 120 for the ECM breakout
Key Switch Voltage Out Of Range
Perform Steps D, E, and F if the following
Repair: Trace the wiring for the ignition key switch
diagnostic code is active or logged:
from the ECM through the key switch circuit to
43-02 Ignition Key Switch Fault (71)
the batteries. Find the problem and repair the
problem. Check the circuit protection for the
circuit and the wiring. Refer to the vehicle service
D. Disconnect vehicle harness connector P1 from
manual for instructions on troubleshooting the
ECM connector J1 and insert a breakout T.
circuit for the ignition key switch.
E. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON position.
Verify that the repairs eliminate the problem.
F. Measure the voltage between vehicle harness
connector P1 terminal 70 (Ignition Key Switch)
and terminal 65 (-battery).
Test Step 4. Check the Batteries.
Refer to Illustration 120 for the ECM breakout
A. Measure no-load battery voltage at the battery
Expected Result:
B. Load test the batteries. Use the 4C-4911
For 12 Volt Systems, the measured voltage is a
Battery Load Tester. Refer to Special Instruction,
constant 11.0 to 13.5 VDC with no suspected
SEHS9249, "Use of 4C-4911 Battery Load Tester
intermittent problems at this time.
for 6, 8 and 12 Volt Lead Acid Batteries" and
Special Instruction, SEHS7633, "Battery Test
For 24 Volt Systems, the measured voltage is a
constant 22.0 to 27.0 VDC with no suspected
intermittent problems at this time.
Expected Result:
The batteries pass the load test. For 12 Volt
Systems, the measured voltage is at least 11.0. For
OK The ECM is receiving the correct voltage.
24 Volt Systems, the measured voltage is at least
Repair: If an intermittent condition is suspected,
refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors
- Inspect".
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