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TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
The engine is not in Cold Mode or Dedicated
The idle shutdown timer can be temporarily
disabled by using ET. The idle shutdown timer
PTO Mode.
can be temporarily disabled through the "System
The engine is not under load.
Troubleshooting" screen which can be found by
selecting "Diagnostic Tests" under the "Diagnostics"
menu. Select "Idle Shutdown Timer" and click the
The timer can be reset by moving the vehicle or
"Change" icon. When the dialog box appears,
the timer can be reset by quickly depressing the
change the value to "OFF". Temporarily disabling
accelerator pedal and releasing the accelerator
this feature avoids engine shutdowns when you
are troubleshooting other systems. Using this
method eliminates the need to temporarily alter
The check engine lamp will begin to rapidly flash
the Customer Specified Parameter "Idle Shutdown
90 seconds before the programmed time expires.
During this 90 second time period, the following
conditions can disable the timer:
Note: If the following diagnostic code is active, the
The clutch pedal is depressed.
idle shutdown timer will not operate.
The service brake pedal is depressed.
84-08 Vehicle Speed Out Of Range (36)
Test Step 1. Verify Activation of the Idle
The following event code will be logged when the
Shutdown Timer.
driver overrides the timer by using the clutch pedal
or the brake pedal during the 90 second period:
A. Connect ET to the cab data link connector.
71-00 Idle Shutdown Override (01)
B. Access the Customer Parameters on ET.
If the parameter "Allow Idle Shutdown Override"
is programmed to "NO", the timer can not be
a. Access the following display screens in order:
overridden by using the clutch pedal or the brake
pedal during the final 90 second period. The factory
default that is programmed for "Allow Idle Shutdown
Override" is "YES". This setting allows the timer to
be overridden.
b. Record the programmed time for the "Idle
If the timer is activated and the timer is allowed to
Shutdown Time". The "Idle Shutdown Time"
shut down the engine the following event code will
must be between 3 and 1440 minutes. If the
be generated:
"Idle Shutdown Time" is programmed to 0,
then the timer is disabled.
71-01 Idle Shutdown Occurrence (47)
c. Record the current value of the parameter
Code 71-01 records the event and the code does
"Allow Idle Shutdown Override" and the
not indicate an electrical system malfunction or an
parameter "Idle RPM Limit".
electronic system malfunction. Disable the timer by
programming "Idle Shutdown Time" to 0 (Caterpillar
C. Start the engine. Allow the engine to warm up
Factory Default).
until the coolant temperature is 38 C (100 F).
Allow the engine to operate at the programmed
The ECM will shut down the engine but not the
low idle.
vehicle electrical system when the time that is
programmed in "Idle Shutdown Timer" expires. The
D. Ensure that all unnecessary loads are turned
"Engine Shutdown Output" can be used to shut
down the vehicle electrical system after the time
has expired.
a. Park the vehicle.
b. Ensure that "Vehicle Speed" on the ET status
screen is 0 km/h (0 mph).
c. Ensure that "Engine Speed" on the ET status
screen is at "Low Idle".
d. Ensure that the clutch pedal and the brake
pedal are not depressed.
e. Ensure that the status of the "PTO On/Off
Switch" is OFF.
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