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TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
F. Depress the fast idle switch while the status of
Refer to Troubleshooting, "Electrical Connectors
the fast idle enable switch is being observed.
- Inspect" for details.
Also observe the fast idle lamp. Release the
fast idle switch. The fast idle lamp should turn
B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the
on when the fast idle switch is pressed and
wires in the ECM connector that are associated
with the fast idle lamp.
G. Depress the service brake pedal. The fast idle
C. Check the ECM connector (allen head screw) for
lamp should turn off when the service brake is
the proper torque of 6.0 Nm (55 lb in).
D. Check the harness and wiring for abrasion and
for pinch points from the sensor to the ECM.
Expected Result:
The switch status changes per the above
Expected Result:
information. The fast idle lamp turns on and the fast
idle lamp turns off per the description above.
All connectors, pins, and sockets should be
completely coupled and/or inserted and the harness
and wiring should be free of corrosion, abrasion
or pinch points.
Yes The fast idle lamp is operating normally.
OK Proceed to Test Step 2.
No The ECM is not reading the switch status
change. Proceed to Test Step 3.
Not OK
Test Step 3. Test the Fast Idle Lamp
Repair: Repair the connectors or wiring and/or
replace the connectors or wiring. Ensure that all
of the seals are properly in place and ensure that
the connectors are completely coupled.
Verify that the repair eliminates the problem.
Test Step 2. Check for Normal Operation
of the Fast Idle Lamp.
A. Verify that a fast idle enable switch is installed.
B. Connect ET.
C. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON position.
D. Access the ET status screen. Verify that the
following switches indicate the correct status:
The service brake switch 1 is off.
Illustration 112
The service brake switch 2 is off.
Pin locations
The neutral switch is on.
A. Turn the ignition key switch to the OFF position.
The clutch switch is off.
B. Fabricate a jumper wire 100 mm (4 inch) long.
Crimp a Deutsch pin to both ends of the wires.
If any of the switches do not display the indicated
status, fast idle will not activate.
C. Disconnect vehicle harness connector P1 from
the ECM.
E. Use the ET status screen to monitor the fast idle
switch and the fast idle rpm.
D. Insert the jumper into P1:31.
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