![]() 188
TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
Note: If the coolant level sensor is programmed to
The coolant level sensor is an OEM installed
"NO", the coolant level sensor is ignored by the
component for the vehicle. This sensor is an optional
ECM. Conversely, if the parameter is set, then a
sensor for "Engine Monitoring". "Engine Monitoring"
sensor must be installed. The "Engine Monitoring"
is a programmable feature of the Caterpillar ECM.
is set when the "Engine Monitoring" is programmed
The sensor is selectable through a Customer
Programmable Parameter and the Customer
"Coolant Level Sensor" is set when the coolant level
Programmable Parameter may be protected by
sensor is programmed to "4-Pin". If both parameters
Customer Passwords. Some OEM installed coolant
are set and a sensor is not installed, 111-02 Coolant
level sensors are not connected to the Engine
Level Sensor Fault (12) will be logged.
Control Module (ECM). Do not confuse an OEM
installed coolant level sensor that is independent of
2-Wire Float Sensor
"Engine Monitoring" with the coolant level sensor
that is used for "Engine Monitoring".
Applications that program the parameter
"Manufacturer/Model" to "Other" have the option of
The customer programmable parameter for the
using a 2-wire float sensor to monitor the coolant
coolant level sensor can be programmed to "4-Pin",
level. To use a 2-wire float sensor, the parameter
"2-pin switch", or "2-wire float sensor". Also, the
"Manufacturer/Model" must be programmed to
customer programmable parameter for the coolant
"Other" and the parameter "Coolant Level Sensor"
level sensor can be programmed to "NO" if the
must be programmed to "2-wire float sensor". The
option for the coolant level sensor is not being used.
sensor is connected to P1/J1:26 (sensor input)
and to P1/J1:5 (AP sensor/switch sensor common).
If the parameter "Coolant Level Sensor" is
The sensor will provide information to the ECM at
programmed to "NO", the coolant level sensor is
P1/J1:26 that will enable the ECM to determine if
ignored by the ECM. Conversely, if the parameter is
the coolant level is normal, low, or extremely low.
set, then a sensor must be installed. The "Engine
Monitoring" is set when the "Engine Monitoring"
The "Engine Monitoring" is set when the "Engine
is programmed to "WARNING", "DERATE", or
Monitoring" is programmed to "WARNING",
"SHUTDOWN". The coolant level is monitored by
"DERATE", or "SHUTDOWN". The "Coolant Level
the Engine Monitoring System when the parameter
Sensor" is set when the coolant level sensor
"Coolant Level Sensor" is programmed to "4-Pin"
is programmed to "2-wire float sensor". If both
or "2-wire float sensor".
parameters are set and a sensor is not installed,
111-02 Coolant Level Sensor Fault (12) will be
4-Pin Sensor
The sensor indicates the presence or the absence
2-Pin Switch
of coolant at the sensor probe. A sensor with a
4-pin connector that requires a +5 VDC connection
Note: Do not use this procedure to troubleshoot
to a power supply must be used. The sensor is
the 2-pin switch coolant level switch. Refer to
powered from the ECM through the ECM vehicle
Troubleshooting, "111-01 Low Coolant Level
harness connector J1/P1 terminal 2 (+5 VDC). The
Warning" or Troubleshooting, "111-11 Very Low
ECM vehicle harness connector has 70 terminals.
Coolant Level" for the proper troubleshooting
The signal wires for the coolant level sensor are
connected at J1/P1:54 (coolant level low) and at
J1/P1:49 (coolant level normal). The common wire
Test Step 1. Use Cat ET to Check for an
for the sensor is connected to the ECM vehicle
Active Coolant Level Sensor Fault
harness connector J1/P1 through terminal 5 (AP
sensor/switch sensor common).
A. Connect Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat
If coolant is present at the sensor probe, J1/P1:54
ET) to the cab data link connector.
(coolant level low) has an output of near 0 VDC. If
coolant is present at the sensor probe, J1/P1:49
B. Turn the ignition key switch to the ON position.
(coolant level normal) has an output near +5 VDC. If
coolant is not present at the sensor probe, J1/P1:54
C. Access the active diagnostic screen on Cat ET.
(coolant level low) has an output of near +5 VDC. If
coolant is not present at the sensor probe, J1/P1:49
D. Verify that one of the following diagnostic codes
(coolant level normal) has an output of near 0 VDC.
is active:
111-02 Coolant Level Sensor Fault (12)
111-03 Coolant Level Sensor Open Circuit (12)
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