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TM 9-2320-312-24-2
Troubleshooting Section
2 The data is erratic, intermittent, or incorrect.
Diagnostic Lamp A diagnostic lamp is sometimes
called the check engine light. The diagnostic lamp
3 The voltage is above normal or the voltage is
is used to warn the operator of the presence of an
active diagnostic code.
shorted high
4 The voltage is below normal or the voltage is
Direct Current (DC) Direct current is the type of
current that flows consistently in only one direction.
shorted low
5 The current is below normal or the circuit is
Dual Coil Vehicle Speed Sensor The dual coil
vehicle speed sensor is a magnetic pickup that
senses movement of the teeth on the output shaft
6 The current is above normal or the circuit is
of the transmission. The sensor contains two coils.
One of the coils supplies a signal to the vehicle
speedometer, and the other coil is a vehicle speed
7 The mechanical system is not responding
Duty Cycle Refer to Pulse Width Modulation.
8 Abnormal frequency, pulse width, or period
Electronic Control Analyzer Programmer (ECAP)
9 Abnormal update
The ECAP is an electronic service tool that was
replaced by the CAT Electronic Technician.
10 Abnormal rate of change
Electronic Engine Control The electronic engine
11 The failure mode is not identifiable
control is a complete electronic system. The
electronic engine control monitors the engine
12 Damaged device or component
operation under all conditions. The electronic
engine control also controls the engine operation
13 The device or the component is not calibrated
under all conditions.
14 and 15 These locations are reserved for a
Electronic Technician (CAT ET ) The ET is a
service tool that uses a software program in order
future assignment
to run on a personal computer (PC). This program
replaced the ECAP tool.
Flash Code (FC) The flash codes are proprietary
Caterpillar code numbers that are flashed on the
Engine Control Module (ECM) The ECM is the
diagnostic lamp.
engine's control computer. The ECM provides power
to the electronics. The ECM monitors data that is
Flash Programming Flash programming is the
input from the engine's sensors. The ECM acts as a
method of programming or updating an ECM
governor in order to control engine rpm.
with ET over the data link instead of replacing
Estimated Dynamic Timing The estimated dynamic
timing is the estimate that is provided by the ECM
Fleet Information Software (FIS) FIS is a software
of the actual injection timing.
program that operates on a PC. This program
allows the user to review the trip information.
The program also allows the user to reset the
driven by an OEM installed relay, which is driven
trip information which includes the "Maintenance
by the ECM.
Indicator" information.
Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) This identifier
Fuel Position This is an internal signal within
indicates the type of failure that has been
the ECM. The signal comes from the electronic
experienced by the component. The FMI has
governor and the signal then goes to the fuel
been adopted from the SAE practice of J1587
injection control. The information that is gathered is
diagnostics. The descriptions for the diagnostic
based on the desired rpm, the FRC limit, the rated
codes are shown in the following list:
fuel limit, and the actual engine rpm.
0 The data is valid but the data is above the
Fuel Ratio Control (FRC) The FRC is a limit that
is based on the control of the fuel to air ratio. The
normal operational range
FRC is used for purposes of emission control. When
1 The data is valid but the data is below the
the ECM senses a higher boost pressure (more air
into the cylinder), the FRC increases the FRC limit
normal operational range
(more fuel into the cylinder).
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