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TM 9-2320-304-14&P 4-5 Organizational Maintenance Instructions (Cont) 4-15.   FLUID LEAKAGE. It is necessary to know how fluid leakage affects the status of fuel, oil, coolant, and the hydraulic systems. The following are definitions of the types/classes of leakage necessary to know in order to determine the status of the truck. Learn, then be familiar with them and REMEMBER - WHEN IN DOUBT, NOTIFY THE SUPERVI- SOR! CAUTION Equipment operation is allowable with minor leakage (Class I or II). Consideration must be given to the fluid capacity in the item/system being checked/inspected. When in doubt, notify the supervisor. When operating with Class I or II leaks, continue to check fluid levels as required in the PMCS. Class III leaks should be repaired per applicable procedure. a.  Class I.  Seepage of fluid as indicated by wetness or discoloration not great enough to form drops. b.  Class II.  Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops but not enough to cause drops that fall from the item being checked/inspected. c.  Class III.  Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall from the item being checked/inspected. 4-16.   PMCS TABLE. a.  Always do the PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE in the same order until it gets to be a habit. Once practiced, it will be easy to spot anything wrong in a hurry. Perform the checks and services listed in Table 4-1 in the order listed. b.  If something does not work, troubleshoot with instructions in Table 4-2. c.  If anything looks wrong and is not fixed, write it on a DA Form 2404. d.  When doing preventive maintenance, take along the tools and supplies needed to make all the checks, including a clean cloth or two. e.  The following is a breakdown of the PMCS table: (1)   “Item No.” column. Checks and services are numbered in a logical order for moving around the truck. The item number column is used as a source of items numbers for the TM Number Column on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, for recording results of the PMCS. (2)   “Interval” column. The column identifies when the PMCS should be performed. Lubrication services coincide with the vehicle’s Semiannual Preventive Maintenance Service. (3)   “Item to Check/Service” column. This column identifies the item to be inspected. (4)   “Procedure” column. This column contains all the information required to do the check/service. Art is integrated into the column to aid the user in identifying items. Whenever replacement or repair is recommended, reference is made to the applicable maintenance instructions. (5)   “Not Fully Mission Capable if:” column. This column contains a brief statement of the condition (e.g., malfunction, shortage) that would cause the vehicle to be less than fully ready to perform its assigned mission.

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