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TM 55-2410-237-14
deck chain-tiedown flatcars are placed in the
tiedown position with the gearshift placed in
neutral and the parking brakes set.
Table 7-3. Application of Materials for Blocking and Tiedown of
the D7 Crawler Tractor on a Wooden-Deck Chain-Tiedown
Flatcar (Fig 7-3)
No. Required
Brake-wheel clearance. Minimum clear-
ance required is 6 inches above, in back
of, and on both sides of and 4 inches
underneath wheel; 12 inches from end of
railcair to load, which extends from cen-
ter of brake wheel to side of railcar; and
6 feet above railcar floor.
20 (D7G)
Tiedown chains (furnished with railcar),
24 (D7E&F)
½-inch diameter alloy steel chain, extra-
strength, proof-tested to at least 27,500
pounds. Attach one to each tiedown
No. Required
provision on each side of tractor to
anchor positions as shown in figure 7-3.
Tighten all chains evenly until 1/8-inch
space remains between metal rings of
the compression unit of the chain
tiedown assembly. The angle of the
tiedown chain must be as close to 45° as
1. Tractors without ripper must have the rear left and right
tiedowns attached to the rear towing pin and tiedown provision on
winch. Maintain similar angles on tiedowns as shown on drawing.
2. Loading rules 4, 5, 7, 11, 15(g), 19, 19A, 19B, and 19C in sec-
tion 1 of the Rules Governing the Loading of Commodities on
Open-Top Cars and Trailers, published by the Association of
American Railroads, provides guidelines that are mandatory in
7-7. General
The transportability guidance in this section applies
to transport of the D7 tractor on foreign railways. It
includes both single and multiple vehicle movements
for the types of flatcars normally used for moving
this type of equipment. When loaded on a suitable
flatcar, the D7 tractor, in reduced configuration (para
74), can be transported for generally unrestricted
rail movement throughout Europe. Some rail line
clearances will require removal of the tractor ROPS,
dozer blade, and exhaust stack to meet height
requirements. Flatcars with a capacity of more than
20 metric tons must be used for transporting the D7
tractor with ripper. The ripper must be removed to
reduce the tractor weight if flatcars with a suitable
weight-carrying capacity are not available.
7 -6
7-8. Transport on Foreign-Service
a. General. The D7 tractor is transportable on for-
eign-service flatcars of adequate size and capacity.
Within Europe are many railcars that have a suitable
size and capacity for transporting the D7. A list of
them can be found in the European Railway Equip-
ment Register.
b. Materials. The materials required for blocking
and tiedown of the tractor on foreign-service flatcars
are essentially the same as those used for transport-
ing the vehicle within CONUS. The 4th Transporta-
tion Command Pamphlet 552, Tiedown Guide for
Rail Movements, provides detailed guidance. Fur-
ther assistance can be obtained from the 1st Trans-
portation Movement Control Agency, Oberussel