![]() TM 55-1740-200-14
36. Washer
19. Pin
1. Grip
37. Ring
20. Washer
2. Fitting
38. Bellcrank
21. Pin
3. Lever
39. Pin
4. Pin
22. Pin
40. Ring
23. Clevis
5. Washer
41. Pin
6. Spring
24. Clevis
42. Link
25. Nut
7. Pin
43. Spacer
26. Rod
8. Pin
44. Spacer
27. Screw
9. Clevis
45. Bushing
28. Washer
10. Nut
46. Bracket assembly
11. Rod
29. Nut
47. Bracket
30. Knob
12. Pin
48. Screw
31. Washer
13. Pin
49. Washer
32. Base
14. Clevis
50. Bracket
33. Stud
15. Clevis
51. Screw
34. Tube
16. Nut
52. Washer
35. Pin
17. Rod
18. Bell crank
Figure 4-34. Parking brake and differential lockout levers (Sheet 2 of 2)
housing (46) and gasket (47). Remove bushing (45) from
b. Remove transmission propeller shaft as outlined in
housing (46).
f. Remove four screws (49) and washers (50) and
c. Remove transfer transmission mounting bolts and
remove plate (48) and gasket (51). Remove six screws
remove the transmission.
(54) and washers (55) and remove three brackets (52 and
4-338. DISASSEMBLY. See figure 4-41 and dis-
assemble the transfer transmission as follows:
and washers (15) and
g. Remove four screws (14)
a. Remove two nuts (23) and yokes (24).
(16). Remove seal (12)
remove carrier (13) and gasket
screws (20) and washers
b. Remove four screws (27) and washers (28) and
from carrier (13). Remove seven
gasket (22) and washer
remove cap (26) and gasket (29). Remove seal (25) from
(21) and remove housing (19),
cap (26). Remove washer (30) and bearing (31). Remove
two screws (33) and washers (34) and remove plate (32)
and gasket (35).
h. Remove screws (73) and washers (74) and remove
cover (72) and gasket (79).
c. Loosen setscrew (63) and screw (64). Remove
retaining ring (65). Remove four screws (37), four screws
(38) and eight washers (39). Remove housing (36), gasket
(40), gear (67) and fork (66).
i. Remove four screws (59) and washers (60) and
remove adapter (58), gasket (61), and seal (62).
d. Remove screw (l), nut (2), spring (3), pilot (4) and
j. Remove breather (76) and plug (78) from housing
ball (5). Remove bar (8) and remove eyebolt (6) and nut
(7) from bar (8). Remove three screws (10) and washers
(11) and remove boss (9).
k. Remove four nuts (71) and remove cross member
(68), four washers (70) and screws (69) from housing
e. Remove sleeve (41) and speedometer gear (42).
(75). Remove spacer (80).
Remove four screws (43) and washers (44) and remove
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